pyIncore is a component of IN-CORE. It is a python package consisting of two primary components: 1) a set of service classes to interact with the IN-CORE web services, and 2) IN-CORE analyses . The pyIncore allows users to apply various hazards to infrastructure in selected areas, propagating the effect of physical infrastructure damage and loss of functionality to social and economic impacts.
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Check if pyincore can handle geopackage file correctly #487
Incore services now is having an ability of uploading the geopackage files. Pyincore needs to be able to handle geopakcage file. This should be tested in various cases, such as Dataset Data service and others.
Incore services now is having an ability of uploading the geopackage files. Pyincore needs to be able to handle geopakcage file. This should be tested in various cases, such as Dataset Data service and others.