IN-CORE / pyincore

pyIncore is a component of IN-CORE. It is a python package consisting of two primary components: 1) a set of service classes to interact with the IN-CORE web services, and 2) IN-CORE analyses . The pyIncore allows users to apply various hazards to infrastructure in selected areas, propagating the effect of physical infrastructure damage and loss of functionality to social and economic impacts.
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INDP solver failed #585

Closed longshuicy closed 1 month ago

longshuicy commented 3 months ago


AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[22], line 2 1 # Run Analysis ----> 2 indp_analysis.run_analysis()

File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/incoreRC1.19.0rc2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyincore/, in BaseAnalysis.run_analysis(self) 396 print("Error reading parameter: " + result[1]) 397 return result --> 399 return

File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/incoreRC1.19.0rc2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyincore/analyses/indp/, in 93 if save_model is None: 94 save_model = False ---> 96 action_result, cost_result, runtime_result = self.run_method(fail_sce_param, RC, layers, method=method, 97 t_steps=t_steps, 98 misc={'DYNAMIC_PARAMS': dynamic_params, 99 'EXTRA_COMMODITY': extra_commodity, 100 'TIME_RESOURCE': time_resource}, 101 save_model=save_model) 103 self.set_result_csv_data("action", action_result, name="actions.csv") 104 self.set_result_csv_data("cost", cost_result, name="costs.csv")

File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/incoreRC1.19.0rc2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyincore/analyses/indp/, in INDP.run_method(self, fail_sce_param, v_r, layers, method, t_steps, misc, save_model) 276 raise ValueError('Wrong failure scenario data type.') 278 if params["ALGORITHM"] == "INDP": --> 279 indp_results = self.run_indp(params, layers=params['L'], controlled_layers=params['L'], 280 T=params["T"], save_model=save_model, print_cmd_line=False, 281 co_location=False) 282 for t in indp_results.results: 283 actions = indp_results[t]['actions']

File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/incoreRC1.19.0rc2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyincore/analyses/indp/, in INDP.run_indp(self, params, layers, controlled_layers, functionality, T, save, suffix, forced_actions, save_model, print_cmd_line, co_location) 386 DislocationUtil.dynamic_parameters(interdependent_net, original_N, 0, 387 params['DYNAMIC_PARAMS']['DEMAND_DATA']) 388 v_0 = {x: 0 for x in params["V"].keys()} --> 389 results = self.indp(interdependent_net, v_0, 1, layers, controlled_layers=controlled_layers, 390 functionality=functionality, co_location=co_location) 391 indp_results = results[1] 392 if save_model:

File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/incoreRC1.19.0rc2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyincore/analyses/indp/, in INDP.indp(self, N, v_r, T, layers, controlled_layers, functionality, fixed_nodes, print_cmd, co_location) 647 m.arc_equality = pyo.Constraint(m.a_hat_prime, 648 m.time_step, 649 rule=INDPUtil.arc_equality_rule, 650 doc='Arc reconstruction equality') 652 # Conservation of flow constraint. (2) in INDP paper. --> 653 m.flow_conserv_node = pyo.Constraint(m.delta_p_index_0, 654 m.time_step, 655 rule=INDPUtil.flow_conserv_node_rule, 656 doc='Flow conservation') 657 # Flow functionality constraints. 658 m.flow_in_functionality = pyo.Constraint(m.a_hat, m.time_step, rule=INDPUtil.flow_in_functionality_rule, 659 doc='Flow In Functionality')

File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/incoreRC1.19.0rc2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyomo/core/base/, in BlockData.getattr(self, val) 547 return _component_decorator(self, ModelComponentFactory.get_class(val)) 548 # Since the base classes don't support getattr, we can just 549 # throw the "normal" AttributeError --> 550 raise AttributeError( 551 "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (, val) 552 )

AttributeError: 'ConcreteModel' object has no attribute 'delta_p_index_0'

navarroc commented 3 months ago

Some extra details:

I downgraded pyomo to 6.6.2 and scip to 8.0.3 and INDP runs without issue. If I just downgrade pyomo, SCIP gives an error that "Solver (scip) did not exit normally"