IN3D / Pokemon

Recreation of pokemon, in C#.
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Pokeball base classes (and derived?) #17

Closed IN3D closed 10 years ago

IN3D commented 10 years ago

At lest get the base classes implemented like we were talking about. If you want to start working on some of the derived classes as well, feel free.

BradMackey commented 10 years ago

Put this off too long, I'll start on this tonight and have it done tonight or at latest tomorrow morning.

IN3D commented 10 years ago

That's fine, I will probably be on and working on the project at about 8 or 9 depending on how work goes. I had a thought for the pokéball base class though. Adding a string aside from just the name and the base item description. Add some text that describes what the ball's "flash" for lack of a better word looks like when a pokemon comes out of it. Like a standard pokeball is just a flash of light, but a dusk ball has that dark shadowy look rather than a flash, just something to make the console a little less blah. Also, don't worry about getting too hung up in some of the math functions for the balls, just stubbing out the classes is good for now. Once the math functions you need are in place, you can go back and enhance the classes.

BradMackey commented 10 years ago

Alright, I'll get started on it right after dinner.

BradMackey commented 10 years ago

As well, I committed a preview of what I'm doing for the Pokeball class. If you can review it and suggest any changes or something, as I am calling it an early night.

IN3D commented 10 years ago

I see the branch you made, unfortunately I think you forgot to sync :stuck_out_tongue: . If the sync is just delayed or something I'll hopefully see it tonight. Otherwise, whenever you get on in the morning hit sync, and I'll watch for it.

It just showed up for me. It looks good overall, I like it. The one thing I would point out is the "great" class is redundant. A pokeball, greatball, and ultraball are functionally identical, the only serious difference being their power/value/catch rate (1, 1.5, and 2 respectively if I remember correctly). so your generic pokeball class would actually work for all three of those. An example of another class would be the masterball class, as no calculation should be performed, and the pokemon should be immediately caught. As another example, turn sensitive balls (quick and timer), time sensitive balls (dusk), or stat sensitive (fast ball and heavy ball). I'll include a couple of comments on the commit itself for you as well.

BradMackey commented 10 years ago

Yeah I thought about using the generic for all of them but I wasn't completely sure. I'll fix the issues you made comments on in the commit as soon as I can.

BradMackey commented 10 years ago

I updated the Pokeball class, and added the masterball class. Will add others once I make sure everything is still good. Though the console seems very cluttered, so I was wondering if I should keep the item description in it for the time being.

IN3D commented 10 years ago

You only need the output in the Program.cs file to ensure that your code is working as intended. If you don't need it past the sync, and can tell it's behaving the way you want it too, you don't have to keep any of the test code in the main Program file if you don't want to.

IN3D commented 10 years ago

Whenever you're done with the pokeball classes, just send me a pull request so I can bring it into the master.

BradMackey commented 10 years ago

I got a lot of the basic balls done. But I wasn't entirely sure on whether to put in more complicated stuff. A trivial matter, since it works the way it is anyway and we only need the basics currently.

IN3D commented 10 years ago

right, we're only building the first...3-ish areas atm. Pallet, Rt. 1, and Viridian city. All we need to be able to do is catch Pidgey's and Ratattas