INCF / neuroshapes

Open schemas for F.A.I.R. neuroscience data
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Representing workflows in Neuroshapes #321

Open MFSY opened 5 years ago

MFSY commented 5 years ago

Comments from : #317

I really think workflows (which are processes configured in a certain way, using entities and outputting entities), the workflow engine used to run them need to be further (and properly) defined. I recommend to have a look at existing workflow description language like Common Workflow Language.

veb7vmehra commented 3 years ago

Hey @MFSY I am new here in the community. I am quite very interested in your work. Can you please guide me a bit that how may I start working on this issue. I have chosen this one because I think solving this issue will help me in understanding the complete code base which will help me in letting contribute more. Thanks. :)