INCF / neuroshapes

Open schemas for F.A.I.R. neuroscience data
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Add Dimension Correction to ReconstructedCell entity #360

Open jmbudd opened 4 years ago

jmbudd commented 4 years ago

In the process of applying Neuroshapes In Vitro Slice Neuron Morphology Reconstruction schema to the curation of combined anatomical and electrophysiolgical slice data from mouse hippocampus, I encountered a number of issues. Since these issues may well arise during the curation of similar datasets for other labs, I thought it might be useful to share them here. I have created a separate ticket for each issue. (This introductory paragraph is repeated in each.)

During tissue processing and recording, shrinkage (xy-axis) and compression (z-axis) dimensional changes may occur to the slice that need to be corrected for in order to provide a more accurate geometric representation of a neuron's morphology. However, correction may have be applied to the reconstruction file prior to curation. Without specific instructions, it is ambiguous whether the file represents raw or corrected geometry. Moreover, the ReconstructedCell entity does not include information about what estimated xy- and z-axis dimensional changes occurred should an uncorrected (raw) morphology file be supplied.

To address this issue, I extended the ReconstructedCell entity to incorporate this information, i.e. in yaml format:

  compressionCorrection:         <---- <float>
  shrinkageCorrection:           <---- <float>
  geometryCorrected:             <---- <bool>
Jay-sanjay commented 11 months ago

hello I will work on the issue can you provide the necessary inks to this problem