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Media for Mobile
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Can't get CameraStreamerActivity to work in portrait orientation #8

Open lancebloom opened 9 years ago

lancebloom commented 9 years ago

Hello Intel INDE team,

I am building an app with live streaming and am using code from the Android sample CameraStreamerActivity. Everything works great in landscape mode and I get a full screen preview. However, when I try to run this in portrait mode, I get a square preview which does not fill the screen. I've tried setting different preview sizes and even removing setPreviewSize, but I still cannot fill the whole screen.

This is a sample of how my preview looks:


Thank you

asuhov commented 9 years ago

Hello, Thank you for reporting the issue. What Android device are you using? It could be a device specific issue.

Regards, Alexey

lancebloom commented 9 years ago

Hi Alexey,

I used Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One, same issue on both. I also tried creating a custom camera preview class that extended GLSurfaceView and used a SurfaceHolder Callback to fit the preview to whole screen. I was able to get a full screen portrait preview this way, but couldn't stream it.

Meamo commented 8 years ago

Hi Lancebloom, how did you manage to run the Camerastreameractivity. I am getting an unsupported exception after capture.setTargetConnection().


kapilojha commented 7 years ago

Hi i am facing some issue while using this library for overlay effect as follows..

  1. i want to record video in both orientation (portrait/landscape) but problem is when i am recording the video in portrait camera preview is getting rotate.
  2. if video recording is in progress and i am changing the orientation camera preview is getting very small that wired. please advise if i am missing something.
    Thanks Rohan