INET-Complexity / Core-ESL

Open-source, distributed, economic simulation libraries for Java and Scala
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How to transition of models developed to run locally to run in the cloud? #10

Open davidrpugh opened 7 years ago

davidrpugh commented 7 years ago

In issue #6 @KG-ethc asked...

On the other end, what is a small cloud implementation, and how do you plan on making that easy to install for researchers with smaller budgets? short answer is Docker. Build images to make it easy for researchers to develop their models inside Docker containers put these images on DockerHub so that everyone can find them. Then the models can be run locally or on any other compute infrastructure that accepts containers.

As a bonus, a container will make it trivially easy for another research team to replicate the analysis of ay particular model. Just grab the image and run the app in the container!