INFO-526-S24 / project-01-Plotcrafters
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Proposal peer review #2

Closed AgastyaDeshraju closed 4 months ago

AgastyaDeshraju commented 5 months ago

The following is the peer review of the project proposal by "fight club". The team members that participated in this review are

AjaykATgitHub commented 4 months ago

Dataset Selection Rationale:

Our decision to choose the UFO sightings dataset from NUFORC was primarily driven by the dataset's comprehensive nature, spanning over 80,000 records dating back to 1949. The dataset offers a unique opportunity to explore the temporal and spatial patterns of UFO activities globally. Key considerations in our dataset selection include:

  1. Rich Information:

The dataset provides detailed information, including latitude, longitude, date and time stamps, and descriptions of each UFO sighting. This richness allows for a thorough analysis of both spatial and temporal aspects.

  1. Temporal Range:

The extensive temporal range of the dataset enables us to investigate how UFO sightings have evolved over the decades, identifying potential trends and patterns.

  1. Global Scope:

With sightings recorded globally, the dataset allows for a comprehensive exploration of UFO activity in different regions, aiding in the identification of geographical hotspots.


Our methodology involves employing specific visualizations and analyses to derive meaningful insights from the dataset:

Utilizing latitude, longitude, and State data, we plan to visualize the global distribution of UFO sightings. Specific plot types will be employed to enhance the clarity of our findings.

We will examine temporal trends by creating time bins (e.g., morning, afternoon, evening, night) using the time data from the dataset. This will enable us to identify patterns associated with different times of the day.

Here are the adjustments we plan to implement:

We acknowledge the importance of segmenting the latitude and longitude data to focus on key areas of interest, such as sightings near Area 51. Plan: We will incorporate a specific segmentation approach to identify and analyze sightings in key regions, including but not limited to Area 51. This segmentation will allow us to delve deeper into specific geographic locations and uncover patterns unique to those areas.

Recognizing the need for more clarity in our approach, we aim to provide a detailed outline of our analysis steps, ensuring transparency in our methodology. Plan: We will explicitly outline the steps involved in our analysis, including data preprocessing, segmentation, and the rationale behind our visualization choices. This will provide a clear roadmap for understanding our approach.

To further enrich our analysis, we will explore additional avenues for gaining insights. This may involve investigating correlations with external factors or exploring trends related to specific time periods. We are committed to implementing these enhancements and believe they will contribute to a more thorough and insightful analysis. Your feedback is invaluable, and we look forward to presenting an improved and refined exploration of the UFO sightings dataset.

AjaykATgitHub commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your constructive feedback, and we have addressed the issues raised in this feedback, hence closing this thread.