INFO523-S24 / project-final-KGCompetitors
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Presentation peer review #7

Closed mfarmani95 closed 7 months ago

mfarmani95 commented 7 months ago

The following is the peer review of the Presentation proposal by Analytical Avengers. The team members that participated in this review are

They said they would develop the model, but they did fine-tuning, which is hard to locate in their code files.

They interpreted them accurately, but there was more opportunity to create additional plots to capture more aspects of the problem. The use of visualizations (bar graphs) and detailed metrics (F5-scores) to compare model performance helps in understanding the efficacy of different models in a quantifiable manner.

It seems they did a report on the performance of some pre-trained models but failed to appropriately explain the methodology instead of simply reporting it

remisublette commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your feedback!