INFO526-DataViz / project-01-R-tisans-of-Visuals

R-risans-of-Visuals team GitHub repository for Project 01 from INFO 526 @ UArizona
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Proposal feedback #3

Closed Gchism94 closed 11 months ago

Gchism94 commented 12 months ago

Dear R-tisans-of-Visuals: Below is the score breakdown for your proposal. Details of things that should be updated/revised are provided in separate issues. As you address them, you should close the individual issues.

You can do this in one of two ways:

Please use the second method wherever a fix can be tied to a commit. If you preface your commit messages with "Fixes", "Fixed", "Fix", "Closed", or "Close", the issue will be closed when you push the changes to your repo. For example, suppose you want to close issue #2 which, hypothetically, suggested that you add a new line to the README, your commit message can say something like Add a new line to the README, closes #2.

Once you've closed all of the other issues, close this one as well, so that going into the presentation you have no open issues remaining.

Available Earned
Data 3 3
Proposal 5 5
Workflow 1 1
Teamwork 1 1
Total 10 10

After addressing the below issues, you will be eligible for full credit.

The proposal is sound, however some grammatical issues hinder reader experience:

  1. Add "The" to "Pet Cats data set comes from"
  2. Are the cats which live together good at hunting than those which live alone? - This should be "Are cats that live together better at hunting than those that live alone?"

There are also some accuracy issues:

  1. type of food is not a column in the dataframe you showed at the top. List the columns accurately instead.

Points in need of clarification:

  1. "We can also compare across neutered and spayed cats to understand hunting patterns." This is a little vague, why do you think this would be a significant effect?
  2. "avg_ground_speed (the average speed of entire tracking period)" Give units where possible. What are the units here?
  3. "avg_ground_speed, which will be derived from the geo-tagged dataset using data feature manipulation" Be more descriptive here than "feature manipulation". How will you actually derive this?
  4. "act as a distinguish-er in the groups of the plot" I believe you mean that it will act as a means to differentiate groups in the plot?


  1. "The color of the bubbles will be determined by the age of the cats." It is a little odd to see all continuous variables for bubble plots. I suggest binning both speed and age so that the differences will be clearer.
  2. "A Violin plot can also be a suitable plot here." I don't agree, based on what you're trying to visualize. A bubble chart is likely sufficient. Since you're essentially trying to find correlations, I suggest a ggpairs visual showing a combination of correlations and maybe density plots.
  3. Give me more information as to why spaying and neutering might influence hunting.
  4. Question 2 is not as descriptive as question 1. Which variables are on which axis?
visalakshi2001 commented 11 months ago


We have applied the changes mentioned in the issues and suggestions.

Thank you for the feedback!

rahulbangad98 commented 11 months ago

We addressed all the issue open but regrading is still pending @visalakshi2001 @Gchism94

Gchism94 commented 11 months ago

You've addressed me feedback, great work! Your final score for the proposal is the midpoint between the two grades: 7/10, 10/10 -> 8.5/10.