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debug_traceTransaction support #123

Open fergarrui opened 6 years ago

fergarrui commented 6 years ago

I couldn't find any issue tracking support of debug_traceTransaction. A couple of months ago, I read that Infura is planning to add it, not sure if it is still the case. I created a graphical debugger tool ( and I would love to be able to use it with Infura.

ec2 commented 6 years ago

Hey @fergarrui, it definitely is still one of the things we want to support.

fergarrui commented 6 years ago

Thanks @tueric , do you have any estimation on when it can be ready?

istrau2 commented 6 years ago

@tueric Any updates on this? Is there any other way for me to sense internal transactions (i.e. value transfers initiated via a smart contract) using the infura API?

ianaz commented 5 years ago

Would love to have this too. +1

remon-nashid commented 5 years ago

I hate to bug you guys but yes, debug_traceTransaction could be quite useful!

l-vitall commented 5 years ago

We also need it. Would be perfect to be able to get list of internal transfers like some blockchain explorers show it on the screen. The goal is to detect eth transfers made from smart contract at some transaction of some block (several online wallets use smartcontracts for transfers so currently we cannot detect such transfers)

GreenAppers commented 4 years ago

Also debug_subscribe:traceChain, because combined with an archive node, you can scan for transactions (internal or otherwise) without downloading any data but the results 😄.

asmodat commented 2 years ago

debug_traceTransaction is essential and still not available, bump this thread!

Techget commented 2 years ago

bump, does anyone know what workaround can we use at current stage?

joshpwrk commented 2 years ago

bump on this one - very useful for protocol-to-protocol integrations when debugging reverts of unfamiliar contracts.

bert2002 commented 2 years ago

Hi, is there any plan to implement this on a higher paid plan?

krubot commented 1 year ago

Hey any updates on this? Its kinda a necessary pre-req to be able to debug transactions.