Currently you can specify your preferred client (Parity or Geth) with the header "Infura-Ethereum-Preferred-Client: " sent as part of the request. This should be extended to accept version strings, but not hard coded versions strings. One suggestion would be release strings such as 'stable,' 'develop', etc. Another would be to use version strings in a way similar to cargo or npm which allows you to specify minimum versions. Here's a link to the cargo discussion on this: Here's a link to the semver way of specifying versions:
Are there any plans to implement this functionality?
Likewise is the Infura-Ethereum-Preferred-Client string going to remain? web3j supports them, but I'm wondering if they should now be removed.
Currently you can specify your preferred client (Parity or Geth) with the header "Infura-Ethereum-Preferred-Client: " sent as part of the request. This should be extended to accept version strings, but not hard coded versions strings. One suggestion would be release strings such as 'stable,' 'develop', etc. Another would be to use version strings in a way similar to cargo or npm which allows you to specify minimum versions. Here's a link to the cargo discussion on this: Here's a link to the semver way of specifying versions: