Recurrent Event Network: Autoregressive Structure Inference over Temporal Knowledge Graphs (EMNLP 2020)
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How to generate ICEWS18 dataset from raw ICEWS data? #15

Closed Lee-zix closed 5 years ago

Lee-zix commented 5 years ago

Dear authors, I want to generate id to string files of ICEWS18 dataset from raw ICEWS data but i noticed something weird. As said in your paper, "ICEWS is collected from 1/1/2018 to 10/31/2018". However there are 635305 triples in this period in raw ICEWS data, After i deleted duplicate triples from raw data, there are 468559 triples. It is different from the size of the ICEWS18 dataset your provides(373018+45995+69514=488527). Could you tell me is there some thing wrong in my preprocess of the raw ICEWS dataset? Or could you provide the id to string files of your datasets, Thanks very much!!!!