Recurrent Event Network: Autoregressive Structure Inference over Temporal Knowledge Graphs (EMNLP 2020)
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dgl._ffi.base.DGLError: [21:14:14] /opt/dgl/src/graph/ Check failed: component->Context() == ctx (cpu:0 vs. cuda:0) : Expect graphs to batch have the same contextcuda:0), but got cpu:0 #54

Closed zhangjinyu19980915 closed 2 years ago

zhangjinyu19980915 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I encounterd the problem in How to solve this problem?

dgl._ffi.base.DGLError: [21:14:14] /opt/dgl/src/graph/ Check failed: component->Context() == ctx (cpu:0 vs. cuda:0) : Expect graphs to batch have the same contextcuda:0), but got cpu:0 Stack trace: [bt] (0) /home/zjy/miniconda3/envs/dgl/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dgl/ [0x7f041e6f23bf] [bt] (1) /home/zjy/miniconda3/envs/dgl/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dgl/ [0x7f041ef55cd9] [bt] (2) /home/zjy/miniconda3/envs/dgl/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dgl/ [0x7f041ef56384] [bt] (3) /home/zjy/miniconda3/envs/dgl/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dgl/ [0x7f041eed8518] [bt] (4) /home/zjy/miniconda3/envs/dgl/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dgl/_ffi/_cy3/ [0x7f041dc73f89] [bt] (5) /home/zjy/miniconda3/envs/dgl/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dgl/_ffi/_cy3/ [0x7f041dc7426b] [bt] (6) python(_PyObject_MakeTpCall+0x37f) [0x55a6c8ee69ef] [bt] (7) python(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x4a4) [0x55a6c8f6c8b4] [bt] (8) python(_PyFunction_Vectorcall+0x413) [0x55a6c8f25753]

chaoyushi commented 2 years ago

hello, have you solved the problem?,I have the same problem today,could you please share your solution?