INN / doubleclick-for-wp

WordPress plugin for serving Google Ad Manager ads
GNU General Public License v2.0
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prefix options fields #52

Closed aschweigert closed 6 years ago

aschweigert commented 6 years ago

Right now we save the plugin options as option_name = breakpoints and network_code respectively. these should be prefixed with dfw_ for safety's sake.

Unfortunately it looks like this would require some fairly substantial reworking so opening a ticket for now.

aschweigert commented 6 years ago

hm, they ARE prefixed in the master branch but not in the plugin boilerplate branch...the plot thickens.

rclations commented 6 years ago

git blame @rclations

aschweigert commented 6 years ago

ok so i have the rest of the stuff working but this is still a thing that does need to be changed. I tried changing it but found that the options wouldn't save for some reason so need to do some more testing/debugging to try to sort out why exactly.