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133 client qa updates #135

Closed joshdarby closed 4 years ago

joshdarby commented 4 years ago


This pull request makes the following changes:

Email Body is: From City Limits: [HEADLINE] [DEK] [Link]

## Why

<!-- Why does this PR propose these changes? Take as much space as you need to explain. -->
<!-- If there are GitHub issues that this pull request addresses, please list them here. -->
For #133

## Testing/Questions

Features that this PR affects:

- Newsletter signup form
- Author archive template
- Bylines
- Homepage top featured story
- Share via email button

<!-- If there are no questions, please remove the questions section. -->
Questions that need to be answered before merging:

- [x] Is this PR targeting the correct branch in this repository?

Steps to test this PR:

**Mapping the Future should be checked by default in the Newsletter signup:**
1. Make sure the new `Checked on Frontend?` field is appearing in the CL Mailchimp editor. If not, you'll need to add it in via the Custom Fields editor. Settings for it can be found here:
2. Make sure the checkboxes toggle checked/unchecked correctly based on their `Checked on Frontend?` field

**Remove lede image from author landing page template:**
1. Make sure the hero image is hidden on author archive pages

**Change "And" to "and" on article page main bylines:**
1. Find a post with multiple authors and verify the `and` is lowercased

**Reduce size of top headline on mobile homepage so its more in line with headlines for subsequent stories:**
1. View the homepage on mobile and verify the top featured story looks ok

**Update byline size on series landing pages so that it matches the sizes on category landing pages:**
1. Add the `City Limits Seven Series Posts` widget to a series page and make sure bylines are checked to be shown
2. Verify the byline font size is the same as the byline font size on category archives

**Change email share to use this format:**
1. Go to a post
2. Click the email share button
3. Verify all of the content is correct and formatting looks ok
benlk commented 4 years ago

Mapping the Future should be checked by default in the Newsletter signup:

  1. Make sure the new Checked on Frontend? field is appearing in the CL Mailchimp editor. If not, you'll need to add it in via the Custom Fields editor. Settings for it can be found here: 28e1309
  2. Make sure the checkboxes toggle checked/unchecked correctly based on their Checked on Frontend? field

The field wasn't automatically imported upon checkout; is there a way to trigger the import of the field?

Hides the hero image on author archive template

Where was it shown before?

joshdarby commented 4 years ago

The field wasn't automatically imported upon checkout; is there a way to trigger the import of the field?

@benlk I'm not sure 😕 I would say it's probably easier to just add the field manually on deploys to staging and prod

re: header: Where was it shown before?

Screen Shot 2019-12-16 at 4 32 10 PM

It was shown above the author name.

Here's the markup for it

<div class="hero is-image ">
    <img width="600" height="400" src="https://citylimits.test/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/charter.jpg" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="" srcset="https://citylimits.test/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/charter.jpg 600w, https://citylimits.test/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/charter-336x224.jpg 336w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px">                <p class="wp-caption-text">Opportunity Charter School, with 44 percent teacher attrition in 2011-12, actually saw lower turnover than 18 other city charter schools—at least according to state data, which some schools dispute.</p>
benlk commented 4 years ago

For Helen Zelon, is the author archive template for some reason displaying the featured image from the first post in The Loop?

The CSS fix here works, but I'm not sure why we're seeing that image there in the first place.

joshdarby commented 4 years ago

@benlk It looks like it might be a bug on the Largo archive.php template

$post_id = largo_get_term_meta_post( $queried_object->taxonomy, $queried_object->term_id );

$post_id comes back as NULL for largo_get_term_meta_post there so it probably is defaulting to the first post featured image in the loop

benlk commented 4 years ago

Thanks for identifying the source of that bug, Josh!