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Change program area bubbles #15

Open benlk opened 5 years ago

benlk commented 5 years ago

This is a configuration item:

kaylima commented 5 years ago

INN list of Fresh Energy changes.pdf

benlk commented 5 years ago
  1. The bubbles for program staff area on a given category page are determined by which pages in the "Staff" category also are in the category for the category page. Here's all pages in the staff category, which are all pages that have the "Staff" page as a parent page:
  2. To change the text on the category page, go to the category's edit page as described above, and change the description. they can do this
benlk commented 5 years ago

Updated website blurbs, staff and photos 2019.docx

The "documents" section is defined in a page with a slug that matches the category slug, appended with -publications:

The gallery itself is powered by a shortcode, which can only be edited from within a Classic block: [dg attachment_pg="false" paginate="true" ids="145293,61480"]

General list of things to update:

  1. [x] The menu changes
  2. [x] Rename "Electric Cars and Buses" category and menu item to "Beneficial Electrification"
    • [x] category, category slug
    • [x] menu item
  3. [x] Merge the "Energy Performance" and "Better Buildings" categories to create a new category, "Energy Efficiency"
    • [x] recategorize
    • [x] rename
    • [ ] delete "better buildings"
    • [ ] create redirect from /category/better-buildings to /category/energy-performance
  4. [x] Merge the "Renewable Electricity" category contents into "Clean Power" and rename that category
    • [x] recategorize content into "clean power"
    • [x] rename "Clean Power" to "Clean Energy"
    • [ ] delete "renewable electricity"
    • [ ] create redirect from /category/renewable-electricity to /category/clean-energy
  5. [x] Programs menu items
  6. [x] Category images
  7. [x] Category descriptions
  8. [x] Staff updates - make sure that staff have featured images
    • Energy Efficiency staff: Ben Rabe and Dylan Sievers.
  9. [x] Documents page updates
benlk commented 5 years ago

Bubble colors and background images have been updated in