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C++ Lib leaks memory #1

Open DeeFuse opened 3 years ago

DeeFuse commented 3 years ago

When using the C++ example with Visual Studio 2019 I get warnings about leaked memory:

{16961} normal block at 0x00000178FFDD3A20, 9 bytes long.
 Data: < !       > 09 21 0B FF 00 00 08 1A 01 
{16960} normal block at 0x00000178FFDA7600, 40 bytes long.
 Data: <                > 09 04 01 00 00 FE 01 01 E0 CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 
{16959} normal block at 0x00000178FC52DC80, 64 bytes long.
 Data: <                > 07 05 81 02 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
{16958} normal block at 0x00000178FFDA7210, 40 bytes long.
 Data: <                > 09 04 00 00 02 FF FF FF 00 CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 
{16957} normal block at 0x00000178FC53C2E0, 32 bytes long.
 Data: < r  x           > 10 72 DA FF 78 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
{16956} normal block at 0x00000178FFDA6790, 40 bytes long.
 Data: <  2     K       > 09 02 32 00 02 01 00 80 4B CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 

I tried all available API calls to resolve this issue but without luck.

AlekseyMamontov commented 11 months ago

Of course, there will be leaks if, in this example, a new variable is constantly declared in the loop.)