INRIA / spoon

Spoon is a metaprogramming library to analyze and transform Java source code. :spoon: is made with :heart:, :beers: and :sparkles:. It parses source files to build a well-designed AST with powerful analysis and transformation API.
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Optimize CtElement.compareTo() #716

Closed leventov closed 8 years ago

leventov commented 8 years ago

it should be based on BiScanner.

Here is my version of CompareToScanner, it is based on the different version of BiScanner than commited into the repo, but still that might help:

 * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 INRIA and contributors
 * Spoon -
 * This software is governed by the CeCILL-C License under French law and
 * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify
 * and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as
 * circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the CeCILL-C License for more details.
 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
package spoon.reflect.visitor;

import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElement;
import spoon.reflect.reference.CtReference;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import static spoon.reflect.visitor.BiScanner.ScanResult.CONTINUE;
import static spoon.reflect.visitor.BiScanner.ScanResult.TERMINATE;

public class CompareToScanner extends BiScanner {

    private int result = 0;

    public int getResult() {
        return result;

    public ScanResult inspectElements(CtElement left, CtElement right) {
        if (left == right) {
            // Including both are nulls.
            return CONTINUE;
        if (left == null) {
            result = -1;
            return TERMINATE;
        if (right == null) {
            result = 1;
            return TERMINATE;
        if (left instanceof CtNamedElement && right instanceof CtNamedElement) {
            String leftName = ((CtNamedElement) left).getSimpleName();
            String rightName = ((CtNamedElement) right).getSimpleName();
            result = leftName.compareTo(rightName);
            if (result != 0) {
                return TERMINATE;
        if (left instanceof CtReference && right instanceof CtReference) {
            String leftName = ((CtReference) left).getSimpleName();
            String rightName = ((CtReference) right).getSimpleName();
            result = leftName.compareTo(rightName);
            if (result != 0) {
                return TERMINATE;
        if (left.getClass() != right.getClass()) {
            return compareClasses(left.getClass(), right.getClass());
        return super.inspectElements(left, right);

    public ScanResult inspectCollections(Collection<?> lefts, Collection<?> rights) {
        if (lefts == rights) {
            // Including both are nulls.
            return CONTINUE;
        if (lefts == null) {
            result = -1;
            return TERMINATE;
        if (rights == null) {
            result = 1;
            return TERMINATE;
        if ((lefts instanceof List && rights instanceof List)) {
            return traverse((List<?>) lefts, (List<?>) rights);
        // Set + List, Set + Set, or any other collections -- compare just by size.
        result = lefts.size() - rights.size();
        return result == 0 ? CONTINUE : TERMINATE;

    public ScanResult inspectValues(Object left, Object right) {
        if (left == right) {
            // Including both are nulls.
            return CONTINUE;
        if (left == null) {
            result = -1;
            return TERMINATE;
        if (right == null) {
            result = 1;
            return TERMINATE;
        if (left.getClass() != right.getClass()) {
            return compareClasses(left.getClass(), right.getClass());
        if (left.getClass().isArray()) {
            String leftS = Arrays.deepToString(new Object[]{left});
            String rightS = Arrays.deepToString(new Object[]{right});
            result = leftS.compareTo(rightS);
        } else {
            if (!(left instanceof Comparable)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Values could be java (boxed) primitives, strings, enum constants or arrays, not "
                                + left.getClass());
            result = ((Comparable) left).compareTo(right);
        return result == 0 ? CONTINUE : TERMINATE;

    private ScanResult compareClasses(Class<?> leftClass, Class<?> rightClass) {
        result = leftClass.getName().compareTo(rightClass.getName());
        if (result == 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Two not equal classes have the same name " + leftClass.getName());
        return TERMINATE;
monperrus commented 8 years ago

duplicate of #636?

tdurieux commented 8 years ago

From my point of view that makes absolute no sense to be able to compare two CtElements. What does it mean?

Only the position of two elements are comparable. I thing it is better the replace the TreeSet/TreeMap by HashSet/HashMap or use the position of the element in the compareTo but what is the position of a new CtElement...

leventov commented 8 years ago

@tdurieux I totally support this, just trying to optimize compareTo() for the current set or requirements. Going through the whole codebase and removing all TreeMaps/TreeSets is not something that could be PR'ed from outside. But if you or @monperrus or @GerardPaligot do this I would be happy.

monperrus commented 8 years ago

I also agree.

Two solutions:

1; Removing Comparable Pb: huge change in the code base (all TreeSet), breaks a lot of client code

  1. changing compareTo to a simpler one: Advantage:
  2. performance Pb:
  3. some changes in the tests that depend on that order (they should not but there are some)
  4. may break clients that also implicitly rely on this order

I prefer the second solution, esp. if we can clearly measure the performance gain.

monperrus commented 8 years ago

Closing this one, we have #636