mining issues (from multiple projects if using the jql parameter in the config
with related commits
connection between and issues and commits is created using the commit hash
mining merge request related to issues
mining milestones
most visualizations that utilize issue information work
Not working / experienced problems:
mining milestones from multiple projects in one run
amount of information provided by merge requests fetched by JiraITSIndexer is not great (REST API does not provide information like the title, etc ...)
“Sprints” visualization does not work with more than 3,000 issues (having the same creation date)
binding between user objects fetched from Jira and mapping them to stakeholder objects from git
build information linked to a Jira issues is not utilized
info: this information is already part of the REST response of the summary of development information linked to an issue
milestones in Jira do not have a required start and end date. This leads that when selecting a Sprint in e.g., the “Sprints” visualizations that the dates are shown as “undefined”.
Currently working:
Not working / experienced problems: