INSPIRE-MIF / 2017.2

Repository for action 2017.2 on alternative encodings
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Proposals for example data sets / themes / use cases #31

Closed michellutz closed 5 years ago

michellutz commented 5 years ago

Please use this issue to propose sample INSPIRE data sets, themes and/or use cases that we should consider in the action to develop examples of the proposed GeoJSON encoding and simplification rules.

These examples should serve to prototype and test the proposed approaches, to focus our discussion and to illustrate the proposed approaches in the GP documents.

Where possible, please also include (pointers to) open sample data that can be re-used.

michellutz commented 5 years ago

[2017.2 meeting 2018-09-28] The following themes were already proposed in the discussion: AD, O&M (AC-MF, OF and borehole-related observations), AU (to be checked with Spain), AM (to be checked with Denmark)

heidivanparys commented 5 years ago

👍 for AM

nmtoken commented 5 years ago

borehole ties in with GeoSciML, there is for example already a GeoSciML-Lite BoreholeView simplified structure. or better

There are already services providing this simplified view :