INSPIRE-MIF / 2017.2

Repository for action 2017.2 on alternative encodings
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Update of concepts regarding different kinds of encoding rules (glossary) #74

Closed heidivanparys closed 5 years ago

heidivanparys commented 5 years ago

Currently, the glossary contains the following entries (after solving #64):

Alternate Encoding

An Alternate Encoding may be used to encode an INSPIRE data set instead of using the Default Encoding, since, for that data set, all requirements of the Implementing Rule can be met using the Alternate Encoding.

Additional Encoding

An Additional Encoding may be used to encode an INSPIRE data set in addition to the Default Encoding. The Additional Encoding does not have to satisfy all requirements of the Implementing Rule for that data set.

A first remark is that "encoding rule" should be used in the terms, not only "encoding".

I would like to see a separation of definition and (clarifying) notes, as well as adherence to presentation guidelines for terminological entries, as followed in ISO standards and in many INSPIRE documents (ISO 10241-1).

In addition to that, I would like it to be clear from the terms when a concept is used only within INSPIRE, and when a concept is more widely used. To be more specific, I think we should add "INSPIRE" to the preferred term, when a concept is only used within INSPIRE. Of course the admitted term without "INSPIRE" can be used in the other documents that are the outcome of 2017.2.

An attempt to do that (up for discussion at the next meeting):

INSPIRE default encoding rule default encoding rule encoding rule that is specified in [D2.7, Annex B (normative) Default encoding rule]

NOTE The INSPIRE default encoding rule is the encoding rule specified in ISO 19136 Annex E with the extensions in GML 3.3 together with the additional rules stated in [D2.7, Annex B].

INSPIRE alternative encoding rule alternative encoding rule encoding rule that is not the INSPIRE default encoding rule and encodes all elements from the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model

NOTE An INSPIRE alternative encoding rule satisfies all requirements of the INSPIRE Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services.

INSPIRE additional encoding rule additional encoding rule encoding rule that is not the INSPIRE default encoding rule and does not encode all elements from the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model

NOTE An INSPIRE alternative encoding rule does not satisfy all requirements of the INSPIRE Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services.

INSPIRE encoding rules

In the references should be included: [D2.7] INSPIRE DRAFTING TEAM “DATA SPECIFICATIONS.” D2.7: Guidelines for the encoding of spatial data, Version 3.3 [online]. INSPIRE Drafting Team “Data Specifications,” 8 April 2014. Available from:

heidivanparys commented 5 years ago

I think we should also recognize the fact that "encoding rule" and "encoding" often are used as terms for the the same concept. This is e.g. the case in this set of documents. And that "encoding process" can be used as synonym for the other concept "encoding" .

So a new proposal for some of the entries in the glossary:

encoding encoding process conversion of data into a series of codes [ISO 19118:2011, 4.13]

encoding rule encoding identifiable collection of conversion rules that define the encoding for a particular data structure [ISO 19118:2011, 4.14]

INSPIRE default encoding rule default encoding rule default encoding encoding rule that is specified in [D2.7, Annex B (normative) Default encoding rule]

NOTE The INSPIRE default encoding rule is the encoding rule specified in ISO 19136 Annex E with the extensions in GML 3.3 together with the additional rules stated in [D2.7, Annex B].

INSPIRE alternative encoding rule alternative encoding rule alternative encoding encoding rule that is not the INSPIRE default encoding rule and encodes all elements from the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model

NOTE An INSPIRE alternative encoding rule satisfies all requirements of the INSPIRE Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services.

INSPIRE additional encoding rule additional encoding rule additional encoding encoding rule that is not the INSPIRE default encoding rule and does not encode all elements from the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model

NOTE An INSPIRE alternative encoding rule does not satisfy all requirements of the INSPIRE Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services.