INSPIRE-MIF / caniuse

Which INSPIRE GML and GeoJSON features can I use in which software?
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S morrone patch 2 #26

Closed sMorrone closed 5 years ago

sMorrone commented 5 years ago

aligned to master - I spotted - and corrected - an error in 2 of the results json files which in my view could explain mixed geojson/ gml content: the test results were for gml but the tag (under the notes one) was gml ... there should be no issues now. I tested all the updated files and they all validate

sMorrone commented 5 years ago

errata corrige: "test results were for gml" - I meant "test results were for GeoJSON" . Erroneous "results": { "gml": { I corrected "results": { "geojson": {