INSPIRE-MIF / gp-geopackage-encodings

Good practice for GeoPackage encodings of INSPIRE datasets
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GPKG INSPIRE conformity #26

Open antjacques opened 3 weeks ago

antjacques commented 3 weeks ago

Dear helpdesk,

I'm going through the good practice and data model documentation but it's not clear enough for me:

We are working on INSPIRE conformity of noise data (END). This data already has been reported on R3portnet in GPKG format. Accordingly to the good practice, can we state that these geopackages are truely considered valid? As I understand we need to provide along with the GPKG:

So, if I decide to provide the GPKG from Reportnet in our INSPIRE catalog, I also need to provide all the elements I listed above? How is that more simple than directly creating an INSPIRE GML? Am I missing something?

sMorrone commented 3 weeks ago

Dear @antjacques having been successfully reported in RN3, your GPKG is in compliance with the EEA model for which all the artefacts needed to claim INSPIRE compliance (description of the logical model, empty GPKG template, a GML-to-GPKG model transformation, an ETL executable that transform GPKG back to GML) have already been provided. Therefore, it is not necessary to provide all the evidence again, it is sufficient that you create the metadata according to the example provided here for the DF1_5 Agglomeration source.