INSPIRE-MIF / helpdesk-geoportal

Community discussion for INSPIRE geoportal topics
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Missing download property in thematic viewer for Geopackage downloads #129

Open mwjsanders opened 1 year ago

mwjsanders commented 1 year ago

Some datasets that are available in the thematic viewer don't have the property download set in the dataset overview, allthough when selecting a dataset, a download link is available:

One of these dataset is Vogelrichtlijn verspreiding van soorten


image (1)

This seems to happen for dataset with an atom download containing only Geopackage files with media type 'application/geopackage+sqlite3'

The main problem with this is that when selecting downloadable datasets in the dataset overview, these datasets don't show up

jrc-inspire commented 11 months ago

Dear @mwjsanders,

As reported in the last 75 MIG-T meeting, the rollout of the revamped INSPIRE Geoportal based on GeoNetwork is approaching.

As part of this rollout the Classic Geoportal harvesting console - at its related tools - were dismissed on Thursday 20 July - From that date onwards all harvesting processes shall be performed using the revamped GeoNetwork console.

Any improvement regarding the accessibility of network services shall be focused on the revamped INSPIRE Geoportal GeoNetwork-based system.

Particularly for this issue, once the revamped Geoportal has been rolled-out, the the issue with the GeoPackage files will be revisited.