Closed iuriemaxim closed 3 years ago
Dear @iuriemaxim , thank you for your request.
First of all, apologies on behalf of the INSPIRE Registry team for the delay in reacting.
We are in transition from the former issue tracker and we were setting up the governance workflow (not completely finished yet).
Indeed, there are layers appearing in the technical guidelines that do not appear in the registry. The reason is explained in the content summary of the layer register "The INSPIRE layer register contains all the harmonised layer, as defined in the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services together with its amendments."
We are in touch with the INSPIRE Validator colleagues to overcome these issues. However, if you deem that change to be a priority, please get in touch with your respective submitting organisation.
Please remember that requests impacting the content of the INSPIRE registry are reserved exclusively to the appointed submitting organisations. Contact details of the appointed submitting organisations are available here:
Kind regards, INSPIRE Registry team
@hernlor Thank you for reply, However, even if you decided to close the incident, please look in the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010) in order to see that all the layer names that I mentioned as missing from the INSPIRE Registry, are actually listed in the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010), so based on your answer they should be added.
I included below a print screen from the Commision Regulation, starting with section 9.4
However the only harmonised layer name that is listed in the Registry at is PS.ProtectedSites
So the incident was to indicate that the legal harmonised names are missing from the registry, not to ask for addition of suplementary ones.
@hernlor Please then first reopen the incident and reconsider if necessary to change the answer.
There are several issues raised regarding the harmonised layer names (and default styles) in the INSPIRE validator, such as and
For Protected Sites data theme are missing a lot of harmonised layer names as defined in the TG for PS. As a consequence the INSPIRE validator is triggering fake errors.
Harmonised layer names that need to be added in the INSPIRE registry for the Protected Sites Data Theme:
Based on PS.ProtectedSitesSpecialAreaOfConservation PS.ProtectedSitesSpecialProtectionArea PS.ProtectedSitesSiteOfCommunityImportance PS.ProtectedSitesProposedSpecialProtectionArea PS.ProtectedSitesProposedSiteOfCommunityImportance
Based on PS.ProtectedSitesStrictNatureReserve PS.ProtectedSitesHabitatSpeciesManagementArea PS.ProtectedSitesManagedResourceProtectedArea PS.ProtectedSitesNationalPark PS.ProtectedSitesNaturalMonument PS.ProtectedSitesProtectedLandscapeOrSeascape PS.ProtectedSitesWildernessArea
Based on PS.ProtectedSitesIUCN PS.ProtectedSitesNatura2000 PS.ProtectedSitesRamsar PS.ProtectedSitesNationalMonumentsRecord PS.ProtectedSitesUNESCOManAndBiosphereProgramme PS.ProtectedSitesUNESCOWorldHeritage PS.ProtectedSitesEmeraldNetwork
Based on PS.ProtectedSitesNatureConservation PS.ProtectedSitesArcheaological PS.ProtectedSitesCultural PS.ProtectedSitesEcological PS.ProtectedSitesLandscape PS.ProtectedSitesEnvironment PS.ProtectedSitesGeological
Note: is incorrect, as the first character should not be a capital leter, so the correct registry value should be Protected -> protected.