INSPIRE-MIF / helpdesk-validator

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Species Distribution - field localspeciesname Validator error #1028

Closed CristinaMSL closed 1 month ago

CristinaMSL commented 4 months ago

Dear INSPIRE Support,

I have a question regarding the schema of SD (Species distibution), in theory localspeciesname is nil reason, and I have the following dataset:


Then the validator through an error asking for the xref


What can I do to have my date validated? I am using HALE Studio and the official schema to do my transformation.


fabiovinci commented 4 months ago

Dear @CristinaMSL,

the error should be related to the attribute localSpeciesId whose data type is the codelist LocalSpeciesNameCodeValue (related ATS).

It seems that the Validator should not raise an error since the attribute is voidable and with multiplicity 0..1.

As a temporary workaround, could you please try to remove the attribute localSpeciesId and re-validate it? If you send us the gml sample, we can take a look.

CristinaMSL commented 4 months ago

Hello fabiovinci.

Thanks for your response. Could you provide us an email accout to share the gml file with you?

fabiovinci commented 4 months ago

Hi @CristinaMSL,

you can use the email that is available in my GitHub profile.

CristinaMSL commented 4 months ago

Thank you. I'll send you an email.

fabiovinci commented 4 months ago

Dear @CristinaMSL,

I confirm that the error is related to the attribute localSpeciesId when it is encoded as below:

<sd:localSpeciesId xsi:nil="true"/>

The Validator should skip the test related to the presence of the xlink:href attribute since it is void. We will fix the error asap.

In the meantime, to obtain a 100% valid report you can remove the attribute since it is void and the multiplicity is 0..1 or add a nilReason:

<sd:localSpeciesId nilReason="" xsi:nil="true"/>

In the latter case, the Validator correctly recognizes the element as void.

fabiovinci commented 1 month ago

Dear @CristinaMSL,

the solution is available in staging, I tested it and it works fine (see report). Can you check it too, please?