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LU - Errors percentageLis and backgroudMapURI #1077

Closed CristinaMSL closed 1 month ago

CristinaMSL commented 1 month ago


I am contacting you regarding the LU topic, specifically with the feature type "Zoning Elements".

The following errors appear:

XML document 'test5-hale2.gml': 28:33: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content found starting with element '{"":percentageList}'. One is expected from '{"":orderedList}'.

XML document 'test5-hale2.gml': 40:33: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content found starting with element '{"":percentageList}'. An element '{"":orderedList}' is expected.

In this case, I don't quite understand what you are referring to. I have made several tests and I don't understand what is wrong? What could it be? The content is not correct?

Another error that appears is the following:

XML document 'test5-hale2.gml': 55:268: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content found starting with element '{"":backgroudMapURI}'. An element '{"":backgroundMapURI}' is expected.

In this case, it is understood that the url of the base map that is used to represent the planned land use information must be indicated. In my case, I have added the url that I consider represents this information and it does not accept it. Why is that?

I leave attached to the message the corresponding gml, so that it is easier to review it.

Thank you very much in advance.

I look forward to your reply.

fabiovinci commented 1 month ago

Dear @CristinaMSL,

regarding the first issue, please coinsider that the two related data types, HILUCSPresence and SpecificPresence, are "Union", so it means that only one of the two attributes should be provided, orderedList or percentageList.


For the second, you need to change the encoding as the URL needs to be entered as the element value and not using the nilReason attribute.



I hope this helps to provide a better understanding and clears up any confusion.

CristinaMSL commented 1 month ago


Thank you very much for your quick response.

Regarding error 1, by selecting only one of the fields, the error has disappeared.

Regarding error 2, I tried relating the field as you indicated, but the error came up again:

XML document 'TEST14.0002.gml': 43:32: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element '{"":backgroudMapURI}'. One of '{"":backgroundMapURI}' is expected. Why does the error keep occurring?

I leave again the gml, with which I have made the test and an image o f the connection of the field in Hale.

Thank you very much in advance.

JohannaOtt commented 1 month ago

@CristinaMSL There was a breaking change in the PLU 4.0 schema fixing the spelling of backgroundMapURI. Seems like you are still using the spelling from the "old" 4.0 version.

CristinaMSL commented 1 month ago


I have checked the version of the schematic, which is the one I am using coming from the official Inspire website.

It is true, that when adding it to the HALE program, the n does not appear. image

Where can I find the correct url containing the n? I have been checking the inspire and github pages and I have not located the right version.

fabiovinci commented 1 month ago

@JohannaOtt, thanks for spotting the error, I missed it.

@CristinaMSL, It appears that HALE is utilizing a cached schema. It is recommended that you upgrade HALE to the latest version, which imports the most recent version of the schemas. image

CristinaMSL commented 1 month ago


I have used the latest version of Hale (5.1.0) and it does show the "n" in backgroundmapuri:


After updating my files and using dehale version 5.1.0, I have been able to validate the gmls correctly.

Thank you very much to both of you for your answers.

Best regards

fabiovinci commented 1 month ago

Dear @CristinaMSL,

great to hear that you were able to fix the errors. I will close the issue and please reopen it or open a new one if necessary.