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Inquiry about Conformance Class 8: 'INSPIRE data sets and data set series linked service metadata' #1086

Closed AljosaCekic closed 3 weeks ago

AljosaCekic commented 3 weeks ago


here is Aljosa Cekic from the State Office for Geoinformation and Land Development Baden-Württemberg (LGL), the Competence Center for Geodata Infrastructure.

I would have a question regarding the calculation of INSPIRE-Indicators. Could you answer me whether the check of Conformance Class 8: 'INSPIRE data sets and data set series linked service metadata' for the metadata of data sets and data set series is obligatory for the INSPIRE-Indicators calculation?

I am looking forward for your answer.

Kind regards, Aljosa Cekic

MarcoMinghini commented 3 weeks ago

Dear @AljosaCekic, for the calculation of the INSPIRE Monitoring indicator on the conformity of dataset metadata (indicator MDi1.1), Conformace Class 8 is not used. This is because Conformance Class 8 implements the good practice on data-service linking simplification, which - although being a recommended and more efficient approach than the traditional one - is only an alternative way to encode dataset metadata. Best regards.