INSPIRE-MIF / helpdesk-validator

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Element nz-core:specificExposedElementType not recognized #883

Closed aquaterra closed 1 year ago

aquaterra commented 1 year ago

In theme Natural Risk Zones (NZ) the specificExposedElementType is not recognized in the validator: The property 'nz-core:specificExposedElementType' shall be provided. But in the gml it is mapped as it should be: specificexposedelementtype

fabiovinci commented 1 year ago

Dear @aquaterra,

it seems there is an error in the checks and/or in the error message for these two elements.

Regarding the first element, exposedElementCategory, your dataset should fail since the INSPIRE codelist value is in https (it should be in http).

Regarding the second one, specificExposedElementType, the value you provided is not correct since the related codelist is empty.

Moreover, the namespace you used is "nz" but it should be "nz-core", is probably for this reason that the element is not detected, so you should update your dataset.

In any case, we will analyze the related tests.

aquaterra commented 1 year ago

The tests do not give me an error on https/http. For none of the href's I have been using in this theme. There are at least 3 of them in this gml.

The codelist is empty for specificExposedElementType, but at least the validator should give another type of error. Even if I give an xsi:nil="true" the test still gives me the same error (as it could not find specificExposedElementType). It looks as no matter what I would give for this element, it still is not recognized.

The schema is nz-core as is given in the namespace definitions part. I only name it "nz" as alias, so I don't see what is wrong with it.

dperezBM commented 1 year ago

Dear @aquaterra

We have performed some changes in SpecificExposedElementType and the solution is available in staging. Could you check if it is correct?


aquaterra commented 1 year ago

Validator shows now all tests are OK.


Thank you for the changes!