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Importance of SDSs, other than Network services? #1

Closed hallinpihlatie closed 2 years ago

hallinpihlatie commented 3 years ago


Finland would like make an inquiry regarding the importance of Spatial Data Services (other than Network services) and of providing metadata for them. The last deadline of INSPIRE next year is related to this, and more precisely: “10-Dec-2021 All invocable spatial data services shall be conformant with Annexes VI and (where practicable) VII of [INS ISDSS]” But to be honest there is also a gap in meeting earlier deadlines related to these kinds of services..

As a background, is doesn’t seem to be much focus on them in the present EU level SDI as:

So Finland wonders, what the priority of SDSs (other than the view and download (network) services) actually is so that we can allocate resources on the coordination and implementation of this accordingly next year. Could you please give us some guidance on this?

Best regards, Lena

iuriemaxim commented 3 years ago


Although they are related to the INSPIRE validator too: