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GeographcialName: sourceOfName #110

Closed bfrichet3 closed 1 year ago

bfrichet3 commented 2 years ago


I hope you are all right. I noticed something quite ennoying concerning sourceOfName attribute of GeographcialName feature type. As you may know that attribute aims to describe in a human readable way the source of a GeographicalName object.


Regulation 1089/2010 states that field has to be filled with a CharacterString object. That kind of objects aims to express some human readable in one language. As you may know in Belgium we do have three national languages. Even for a Dutch name (for instance "Antwerpen") I do have to express the sourceOfName attribute in both Dutch and French to comply with belgian legislation: the language of the GeographicalName itself does not matter.

I know this is an official Regulation so it is quite complicate to change it but it would be more suitable to allow LocalisedCharacterString objects instead of CharacterString.

Do you think that something could be done?


fabiovinci commented 2 years ago

Dear @bfrichet3,

I think that if you want to specify the sourceOfName in different languages it is better to use multiple occurrences of the main attribute, to have each sourceOfName together with the related language.

What is the data theme you are using?

bfrichet3 commented 2 years ago


Thank you for your answer. I am working on Administrative Units theme. Unfortunately this solution is not convenient enough.

For instance Brussels do have official spelling in French (Bruxelles) and in Dutch (Brussel). I have to right in both French and Dutch the sourceOfName of Dutch name and French Name. It is quite clear in belgian national law.


bfrichet3 commented 2 years ago

as far as I understand it, the language tag aims to identify the language of o geographical name and not of its description


sMorrone commented 1 year ago

Dear @bfrichet3 , the issue you have to face is quite clear and, as you correctly say, its solution requires a change in the IR and consequently in the GN data specification. Should you wish, you can propose a change to the Geographical Names TG related to the GeographicalName data type by opening an issue in the TG repository. The proposal will then follow the governance and release process detailed in this document.

bfrichet3 commented 1 year ago

dear @sMorrone , thank you for your answer. I will right propose such a change. Will that workflow lead to a modification of regulation 1089/2010? As I understand it, it is not enought to modify TG, we have to modify the underlying regulation.


sMorrone commented 1 year ago

Dear @bfrichet3, Once a change proposal impacting the IR is endorsed by MIG, the INSPIRE CT (INSPIRE Coordination Team) submits a proposal for a draft amendment of the IR. The endorsement of this proposal is then subject to its own governance process (involving the Comitology procedure). If this proposal is also approved, then, once the amended IR is officially published, all the impacted INSPIRE artefacts (TG, schema, UML) are amended as needed.

bfrichet3 commented 1 year ago

dear @sMorrone ,

Thank you for your answer. I will create an issue as you say.

Regards and merry christmas