INTECH-RGB / homie-dashboard

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An in-range update of vue is breaking the build 🚨 #74

Open greenkeeper[bot] opened 7 years ago

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.2.1 of vue just got published.

Branch Build failing 🚨
Dependency vue
Current Version 2.2.0
Type devDependency

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

As vue is β€œonly” a devDependency of this project it might not break production or downstream projects, but β€œonly” your build or test tools – preventing new deploys or publishes.

I recommend you give this issue a high priority. I’m sure you can resolve this :muscle:

Status Details - ❌ **continuous-integration/travis-ci/push** The Travis CI build failed [Details](

The new version differs by 3 commits .

See the full diff.

Not sure how things should work exactly? There is a collection of [frequently asked questions]( and of course you may always [ask my humans](

Your Greenkeeper Bot :palm_tree:

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.2.2 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.2.2


  • #5037 ssr: fix JSON file path detection in createBundleRenderer
  • #5043 fix provide/inject for falsy values (@znck via #5044)
  • #5046 fix v-on .left .right modifiers conflict between keyboard and mouse events
  • #5055 handle values with circular reference in v-model bindings
  • #5097 default slot should use fallback content when it contains all whitespace nodes
  • #5120 fix v-on inline function expression with modifiers

The new version differs by 43 commits .

  • d0b8dce [release] 2.2.2
  • 8921d63 [build] 2.2.2
  • 95cd2bd test v-model select with circular reference
  • e6f89c0 error-detector code style tweak
  • fc6f181 fix weex model test
  • 9d3ceba also include weex tests in npm test
  • 12870be expose component v-model expression on passed data
  • 06de266 reusing onRE (#5130)
  • c619b8d remove inline value warnings for checkbox/radio/select also (close #5112)
  • 2e1e809 fix prevent default unit test (#5127)
  • 303824e default slot should use fallback content when it contains all whitespace nodes (fix #5097)
  • 41ef650 remove log
  • a524919 fix v-on inline function expression with modifiers (fix #5120)
  • 2afaac2 cache vnodes length (#5125)
  • 0bcad13 Reorganize and update PR template (#5106)

There are 43 commits in total. See the full diff.

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.2.3 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.2.3

Notable Changes

  • Vue.config.performance now defaults to false due to its impact on dev mode performance. Only turn it on when you need it.


  • Now warns usage of camelCase props when using in-DOM templates. (@CodinCat via #5161)
  • Now warns when template contains text outside of root element. (@xujiongbo via #5164)


  • #5121 parse content in textarea as plaintext (@HerringtonDarkholme via #5143)
  • #5146, #5169, #5171 fix v-on .prevent modifier regression when combined with other key modifiers (@Kingwl via #5147)
  • #5150 v-bind object should have lower priority than explicit bindings
  • #5162 fix custom directive argument fallthrough
  • #5174 fix ever-increasing component render time caused by calls to performance.measure in dev mode.

The new version differs by 16 commits .

  • d185dd2 [release] 2.2.3
  • b28aa39 [build] 2.2.3
  • 368a335 perf code coverage
  • 0416839 improve camelCase prop warning message
  • c6ab2e0 warn when template contains text outside root element (#5164)
  • 025e763 Warn when not passing props in kebab-case (#5161)
  • 4d227b9 turn off perf timeline measuring by default + reduce its impact on dev time perf (fix #5174)
  • a6e1ae0 v-bind object should have lower priority than explicit bindings (fix #5150)
  • e7dfcc3 fix custom directive arg fall through (fix #5162)
  • 0b964c8 formatting tweaks
  • 045ff5d refactor create-component
  • 4964b25 fix wrong order of generate modifier code (#5147)
  • f9706dc fix v-on unit test (#5144)
  • 8fca83d fix #5121: parse content in textarea as plaintext (#5143)
  • 82bc8b7 Merge branch 'dev' of into dev

There are 16 commits in total. See the full diff.

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.2.4 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨


The new version differs by 3 commits .

  • 2343b90 [release] 2.2.4
  • 6cf5d2d [build] 2.2.4
  • 45e273f fix perf measure regression for nested components of the same name (fix #5181)

See the full diff.

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.2.5 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.2.5



The new version differs by 19 commits .

  • c0ad75b [release] 2.2.5
  • b876395 [build] 2.2.5
  • bfeb28f pin todomvc css version
  • 3b7cfc7 coverage
  • f4630d0 treat with different types as different nodes (fix #5266)
  • 5222f06 bump deps
  • 6de1b9b optimize patch conditionals
  • 0bb529a also warn when listening to camelCase events in in-DOM templates
  • e47b1e5 Allow named properties on reactive arrays. (#5216)
  • 70db229 handle v-model on password input field on ie9 (fix #5250) (#5253)
  • 23a058e fix(inject): change warn message when trying to mutate an injected value (#5243)
  • 7dea9f1 fix provide isn't reactive with a single array (#5229)
  • 4c4a2ab trigger event after reassigned state - Fix #5191 (#5233)
  • e733e5c fix SSR v-show render. (#5224)
  • 84856a3 update issue template

There are 19 commits in total. See the full diff.

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.2.6 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.2.6



The new version differs by 6 commits .

  • 0cebdf5 [release] 2.2.6
  • 113fce9 [build] 2.2.6
  • 6fcfdbd warn and handle missing get in computed (fix #5265) (#5267)
  • 3209f6f remove parent/ref elm references when destroying instance, fix memory leak (fix vue-router#1279)
  • be07617 fix a typo (#5284)
  • 8a518c1 update sponsors and backers

See the full diff.

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.3.0 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.3.0 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

πŸš€ New

Server-Side Rendering Improvements

Note: We have created a brand-new standalone guide for server-side rendering in Vue, it's a recommended read for all users. Also, the HackerNews demo has been updated to reflect the latest best practices.

  • Now uses the data-server-rendered attribute to indicate server-rendered markup, making the output valid HTML.

  • template option now supports simple interpolation using the render context. This allows the template to be dynamic based on the data attached to the context by rendered components.

    See docs for more details.

  • New bundleRenderer option: runInNewContext

    Defaults to true, which preserves the original behavior.

    When set to false, the renderer will no longer re-execute the entire bundle in a new vm context for each render. Instead, only the function exported by the bundle will be called again. This greatly improves performance, but requires some changes in source code structure.

    See docs for more details.

  • New bundleRenderer option: clientManifest

    By passing the bundleRender a client webpack build manifest generated by vue-server-renderer/client-plugin, the renderer can infer the proper build assets that need to be preloaded (e.g. code-split async chunks, images, and fonts). When using together with the template option, <link rel="preload/prefetch"> and appropriate <script> tags will be injected automatically.

    See docs for more details.

  • vue-ssr-webpack-plugin is now deprecated, instead, it is now part of vue-server-renderer. It now also exposes two plugins - one for the server build and one for the client build.

    var VueSSRServerPlugin = require('vue-server-renderer/server-plugin')
    var VueSSRClientPlugin = require('vue-server-renderer/client-plugin')

    See docs for more details.

Async Component Improvements

  • Async component factories can now return an object of the following format:

    const AsyncComp = () => ({
      // The component to load. Should be a Promise
      component: import('./MyComp.vue'),
      // A component to use while the async component is loading
      loading: LoadingComp,
      // A component to use if the load fails
      error: ErrorComp,
      // Delay before showing the loading component. Defaults to 200ms.
      delay: 200,
      // The error component will be displayed if a timeout is provided and exceeded.
      timeout: 3000

    Note that when used as a route component in vue-router, these properties will be ignored because async components are resolved upfront before the route navigation happens. You also need to update vue-router to 2.4.0+ if you wish to use the new syntax for route components.

Functional Component Improvements

  • Functional components can now omit the props option. All attributes will be automatically extracted and exposed as camelized props on context.props.

    Note when the props option is provided, it will retain the old behavior - i.e. only explicitly declared props will be extracted.

  • v-on listeners attached to a functional component will be exposed as context.listeners. This is simply an alias to

    Combined with the props change, functional components usage can be much cleaner:

    const MyComp = {
      functional: true,
      render (h, { props, listeners }) {
        return h('div', {
          on: {
            click: // proxy click listener
        }, [
          props.msg // auto extracted props
  • Functional components now also support the inject option. Injected properties are exposed as context.injections. (@Kingwl via #5204)

Other Improvements

  • .sync is back! However it now is simply syntax sugar that expands into a prop + listener pair, similar to v-model.

    The following

    <comp :foo.sync="bar"></comp>

    is expanded into:

    <comp :foo="bar" @update:foo="val => bar = val"></comp>

    For the child component to update foo's value, it needs to explicitly emit an event instead of mutating the prop:

    this.$emit('update:foo', newValue)
  • Warnings now include component hierarchy traces.

  • Vue.config.errorHandler now also handles error thrown inside custom directive hooks (@xijiongbo via #5324)

  • Vue.config.errorHandler now also handles error thrown in nextTick callbacks.

  • New v-on modifier: .passive - adds the event listener with { passive: true }. (@Kingwl via #5132)

  • Props validation now supports type: Symbol.

  • style bindings now support using an Array to provide multiple (prefixed) values to a property, so the following would be possible (@fnlctrl via #5460):

    <div :style="{ display: ["-webkit-box", "-ms-flexbox", "flex"] }">
  • An extended component constructor can now also be used as a mixin. (@ktsn via #5448)

πŸ› Fixed

  • #5238, #5387 fix v-model not syncing for autocomplete / switching focus before confirming composition
  • #5318 fix style diffing on cached/slot elements
  • #5346 fix keep-alive cache incorrectly pruned with transition mode="out-in"
  • #5361 fix Symbol check error in Node 4.x
  • #5394 fix duplicate attribute warning when using class and :class together in Edge
  • #5398 fix v-model checkbox binding with Array index (@posva via #5402)
  • #5464 fix incorrect compiler warning for $delete usage in templates
  • #5480 allow slot names to be number 0 (@posva via #5481)
  • #5526 fix text inside <script type="x/template"> being unnecessarily decoded
  • vue-class-component#87 fix base class lifecycle hook dropped when constructor options are modified before applying global mixin

The new version differs by 126 commits0.

  • a27c464 [release] 2.3.0
  • 87b0d5d [build] 2.3.0
  • d8315c4 do not decode text inside script/style tags (fix #5526)
  • 3a6fd13 [release] 2.3.0-beta.1
  • 56b6f8a [build] 2.3.0-beta.1
  • cb0531c increase async delay for more test cases
  • c24f492 fix edge test case
  • 1096890 increase async component test delay
  • 12b7122 fix mixin issue (#5514)
  • 2a247fc fix ssr initial context style recording
  • 016920e support customizing context and window keys for renderState()
  • 38516b4 fix flow
  • 380e988 Allow slot names to be numbers (#5481)
  • 1288386 Support Vue.delete(arr, index) in TypeScript definitions (#5508)
  • a2f57e3 use context-agnostic RegExp check

There are 126 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.3.1 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.3.1


  • #5536 fix regression when render function returns null (@gebilaoxiong via #5539)
  • #5540 vue-server-renderer/server-plugin: ensure assets are unique (@pi0 via #5540)
  • #5553 vue-server-renderer/server-plugin: avoid swallowing webpack error when entry is not found
  • #5559 vue-server-renderer: with runInNewContext: false, the bundle is now indeed executed in the same context. The 2.3.0 behavior is still available behind a new option value runInNewContext: 'once'. See docs for more details.

The new version differs by 11 commits0.

  • 6b4f3da [release] 2.3.1
  • 2355318 [build] 2.3.1
  • ebd0338 introduce previous behavior as runInNewContext:"once"
  • cab1b15 avoid swallowing webpack error when entry is not found (fix #5553)
  • 2a1f79d run bundle in the same global context when runInNewContext is false (fix #5559)
  • 9478fde tweak type definition layouting (#5564)
  • 228f0f8 remove unnecessary :any castings due to improved flow checks
  • 3b426ef Fix when functional component render method retrun null (fix #5536) (#5539)
  • bb7c543 fix #5539: improve isDef type definition (#5549)
  • 1635ca7 [vue-server-renderer] ensure assets are unique (#5540)
  • d6c070d link to latest info


See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.3.2 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.3.2
  • Components can now access the SSR context as this.$ssrContext
  • Internal improvements for handling functional *.vue components style SSR injections

The new version differs by 4 commits0.

  • b977c77 [release] 2.3.2
  • 60291f2 [build] 2.3.2
  • 8dc4215 improvements for handling vue-loader functional components with style injections
  • 8d7ad19 expose $ssrContext


See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.3.3 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.3.3


  • #5586 fix unecessary input trigger with v-model on change event (@posva via #5589)
  • #5591 ssr template interpolation should be whitespace-insensitive (@HerringtonDarkholme via ##5597)
  • #5592 fix regression where text nodes are merged into comment placeholder nodes (@maggiehe via #5593)
  • #5610 fix Vue.use not chainable when plugin has already been installed, also makes Vue.mixin chainable. (@lzxb via #5610)
  • #5615 fix scoped slots when used together with v-for
  • #5618 fix slot elements after v-for being unnecessarily recreated (@gebilaoxiong via #5627)
  • #5633 fix comment nodes not cloned properly (@pengchongfu via #5633)
  • #5635 fix async components timeout triggered when already resolved

The new version differs by 19 commits0.

  • 8d56a49 [release] 2.3.3
  • 6bdaeb0 [build] 2.3.3
  • aaad733 improve scoped slot test case (#5640)
  • e70f191 no need to test composition events on Android
  • 38759a6 fix test case in IE
  • 8d54aec async components: timeout should not trigger if already resolved (fix #5635)
  • 3139605 ignore ssr getter
  • 0ccefff support v-for on scoped slots (fix #5615)
  • dc00590 comments
  • ec70b44 tweak noramlizeArrayChildren
  • f2bd882 Fix: nested child elements can not be updated correctly, fix #5618 (#5627)
  • 5d965d5 clone isComment when cloneVNode (#5633)
  • b5b1ac3 improve mutli-line && coding style to keep consistence (#5625)
  • 1c40e32 Fix use mixin API feat continuous operation (#5610)
  • ca02043 avoid using native as identifier (close #5623)

There are 19 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.3.4 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.3.4


  • #5839 fix memory leak caused by reference to removed vnodes on data.pendingInsert

The new version differs by 3 commits.

  • 1f9416d [release] 2.3.4
  • 97b07be [build] 2.3.4
  • 33a25e7 prevent data.pendingInsert to keep reference to removed nodes (fix #5839)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.4.0 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.4.0 Kill la Kill

"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth!"


  • Full SSR + async component support in core: SSR now supports rendering async components used anywhere and the client also supports async components during the hydration phase. This means async components / code-splitting now just works during SSR and is no longer limited at the route level. (9cf6646 & 7404091)

  • Easier creation of wrapper components: (6118759)

    • New component option: inheritAttrs. Turns off the default behavior where
      parent scope non-prop bindings are automatically inherited on component root
      as attributes.

    • New instance properties: $attrs & $listeners. $attrs contains the parent-scope attribute bindings that were not recognized as props, and $listeners contains the v-on listeners registered in the parent scope (without the .native modifier). These are essentially aliases of $ and $, but are reactive.

    Combining these allows us to simplify a component like this down into this:

      <input v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners">

    Based on discussion in #5983.

  • v-on: support v-on object syntax with no arguments. This pairs well with the new $listeners instance property when creating higher-order components. Note this syntax does not support modifiers. (11614d6)

  • Now auto-resolves ES module default export when resolving async components. This enables keeping using the simpler const Foo = () => import('./Foo.vue') syntax when declaring async components with the changes introduced in vue-loader@13.0.0. (0cd6ef3)

  • support .sync modifier for v-bind="object" (#5943) (3965e50), closes #5937

  • keep-alive: support Array for include and exclude (#5956) (51c595a)

  • weex: implement "weex.supports" api to support feature detection (#6053) (b1512d8)

  • vm.$watch now also supports using the same object format supported by the watch component option: { handler: () => {}, deep: true } (#5645) (5aac170)

  • types: add types for vue-server-renderer (#5775) (e6de9a5)

  • Vue.config.errorHandler now also captures errors thrown in custom event handlers (#5709) (11b7d5d)

  • add new config option Vue.config.warnHandler for defining a custom callback for runtime warnings. This only works in the development build. (#5883) (9881b40)

  • add comments option to allow preserving comments in template (#5951) (e4da249), closes #5392

Performance Improvements

  • ssr: vue-template-compiler now has two new SSR-specific compile methods that generates SSR-specific render function code by optimizing parts of the template into string concatenation. This improves raw SSR render performance by 2~8x depending on how much of the template can be optimized. Note this will have a much smaller impact on requests per second for a real app because raw render performance is only a small portion of the overall time spent in a request.

    This is enabled by default in vue-loader@>=12 and can be disabled using the optimizeSSR option.

  • remove src directory from npm module, which should reduce download size when installing from npm. (#6072) (e761573)

Bug Fixes

  • check enterToClass/leaveToClass existence before adding it (#5912) (34d8c79)
  • ensure cleanup in watcher.get (#5988) (f6cd44c), closes #5975
  • improve Vue.set/Vue.delete API to support multi type of array index (#5973) (eea0920)
  • multiple merged vnode hooks not invoked properly (91deb4f), closes #6076
  • v-model: should generate component-specific code for tags with "is" attribute (a1d1145), closes #6066
  • prefetch should not have as attribute (#5683) (ebca266)
  • core: add merge strategy for provide option (#6025) (306997e), closes #6008
  • support plugin with multi version vue (#5985) (049f317), closes #5970
  • core: should preserve reactivity-ness of injected objects (8d66691), closes #5913
  • parser: the first newline following pre and textarea tag should be ignored (#6022) (4d68079)
  • ref: refactor function registerRef (#6039) (254d85c), closes #5997
  • ssr: fix bundleRenderer mapped async chunks caching check (#5963) (de42186)
  • ssr: reference error when create $ssrContext for root component (#5981) (5581654), closes #5941
  • transition group should work with dynamic name (#6006) (#6019) (d8d4ca6)
  • v-model: fix input change check for type="number" (0a9aab5), closes #6069
  • v-model: use consistent behavior during IME composition for other text-like input types (fix #5902) (4acc8c8)
  • v-bind object should not override props on scopedSlots (#5995) (458030a)
  • fix out-in transition for async components (#5760) (c3cdfcf)
  • fix memory leak by preventing data.pendingInsert from keeping reference to removed nodes (#5839) (4733408)
  • reduce memory usage by avoiding keeping reference to old vdom tree after patch (#5851) (07a3726)
  • fix XHTML compatibility (#5852) (69f946b)
  • Merge inject option when extending a component (#5827) (080c387)
  • support string index when using Vue.set on Array (#5889) (8a2c514)
  • ignore reserved attributes (is, ref, ...) in v-bind object syntax (#5881) (d33c125)
  • fix slot resolved incorrect with abstract component (#5888) (213f136)

The new version differs by 143 commits ahead by 143, behind by 3.

  • ac3d1ea build: release 2.4.0
  • 1bdea82 build: build 2.4.0
  • 529e3db build: update build script
  • e0ca894 test: improve coverage
  • 92a5e93 build: update release note script
  • 086e6d9 fix: handle arrays in v-on object syntax
  • dc1bca1 chore: document new ssr methods in vue-template-compiler
  • 67fe6cb test: use latest mobile browsers on saucelabs
  • e761573 perf: remove src directory from npm module (#6072)
  • 754e041 remove references to gitter; use for discourse (#6084)
  • 485e740 test: make tests pass in IE
  • 91deb4f fix: multiple merged vnode hooks not invoked properly
  • 6bf9772 feat(ssr): inheritAttrs support in SSR
  • 1bf98b0 test: adjust transition tests for firefox
  • 606666d test: fix related warnings

There are 143 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.4.1 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨


The new version differs by 4 commits.

  • 381b485 build: release 2.4.1
  • 297ded6 build: build 2.4.1
  • 8303782 build: update release script
  • a7615ef build: fix postinstall script causing user install errors

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 2.4.2 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.4.2

Bug Fixes

  • v-on: revert component root data.on/data.nativeOn behavior for 1713061, closes #6109
  • checkbox v-model="array" ignore false-value (#6180) 3d14e85, closes #6178
  • compile: properly generate comments with special character (#6156) d03fa26, closes #6150
  • parser: only ignore the first newline in <pre> 082fc39, closes #6146
  • provide/inject: merge provide properly from mixins 3036551, closes #6175
  • provide/inject: resolve inject properly from mixins (#6107) b0f00e3, closes #6093
  • transition: should trigger transition hooks for v-show in ie9 9b4dbba, closes #5525
  • v-bind: respect .prop modifier on components (#6159) 06b9b0b
  • v-model: use stricter check for <select> option update c70addf, closes #6112
  • ensure looseEqual is not dependant on key enumeration order a8ac129, closes #5908
  • include boolean in isPrimitive check (#6127) be3dc9c, closes #6126
  • work around IE/Edge bug when accessing document.activeElement from iframe fc3d7cd, closes #6157


  • warn when assigning to computed property with no setter eb9168c, closes #6078


  • perf: remove src directory from npm module (#6072) ec4b1be

The new version differs by 17 commits.

  • b8f1bcd build: release 2.4.2
  • fd68195 build: build 2.4.2
  • f104b84 build: tweak release note file default name
  • ec4b1be revert: perf: remove src directory from npm module (#6072)
  • 3d14e85 fix: checkbox v-model="array" ignore false-value (#6180)
  • 3036551 fix(provide/inject): merge provide properly from mixins
  • fc3d7cd fix: work around IE/Edge bug when accessing document.activeElement from iframe
  • eb9168c feat: warn when assigning to computed property with no setter
  • a8ac129 fix: ensure looseEqual is not dependant on key enumeration order
  • 9b4dbba fix(transition): should trigger transition hooks for v-show in ie9
  • 082fc39 fix(parser): only ignore the first newline in
  • 1713061 fix(v-on): revert component root data.on/data.nativeOn behavior for
  • 06b9b0b fix(v-bind): respect .prop modifier on components (#6159)
  • d03fa26 fix(compile): properly generate comments with special character (#6156)
  • b0f00e3 fix(provide/inject): resolve inject properly from mixins (#6107)

There are 17 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.4.3 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.4.3

Bug Fixes

  • directive: should invoke unbind & inserted on inner component root element change 538ad20, closes #6513
  • inject: exclude not enumerable keys of inject object (#6346) 3ee62fd, closes #6574
  • provide: provide should default to parentVal during merging (#6473) 3c21675, closes #6436
  • ssr: address possible xss vector 5091e2c
  • vdom: avoid diff de-opt when both head/tail are different 230c6ae, closes #6502
  • $off should ignore undefined handler argument fa6a729, closes #6591
  • ssr: better handle v-html hydration 0f00f8f, closes #6519
  • ssr: expose context.styles when no lifecycle styles are injected 1f52a2a, closes #6353
  • ssr: fix cachedEscape memory issue 02f8b80, closes #6332
  • ssr: handle v-text/v-html with non-string value 09106f0, closes #6572
  • ssr: should also escape static text content 172dbf9, closes #6345
  • transition: consider async placeholder as valid child to return (#6369) a43d667, closes #6256
  • types: add inject option in functional component options type (#6530) 1baa0a7
  • types: allow variadic plugin use (#6363) 38d5218, closes #6357
  • v-model: Allow using array value with array v-model in checkboxes (#6220) d6e6f1d, closes #6219
  • v-model: avoid unnecessary change event on select options change d4d553c, closes #6193
  • v-model: fix input listener with modifier blocking v-model update 6f312d6, closes #6552
  • vdom: Don't replace input for text-like type change (#6344) f76d16e, closes #6313
  • computed properties should not be cached during SSR 06741f3
  • deep clone slot vnodes on re-render 0529040, closes #6372
  • do not use MutationObserver in IE11 844a540, closes #6466
  • ensure $attrs and $listeners are always objects (#6441) 59dbd4a, closes #6263
  • ensure outer bindings on nested HOC are properly re-applied on inner root element change a744497
  • handle special case for allowfullscreen on d77b953, closes #6202
  • inherit SVG ns on component root node (#6511) 89f0d29, closes #6506
  • preserve slot attribute if not resolved by Vue 684cd7d, closes #6553
  • set value as domProp for 7116af4, closes #6561
  • support prop type checking for primitive wrapper objects (#6450) 679cd1f, closes #6447

The new version differs by 79 commits.

  • 0a7ffb1 build: release 2.4.3
  • ef432c6 build: build 2.4.3
  • c8564ab refactor: tweak dependArray change
  • fa6a729 fix: $off should ignore undefined handler argument
  • 1c86b9e chore: ignore code that cannot be reached in PhantomJS
  • 1baa0a7 fix(types): add inject option in functional component options type (#6530)
  • aa820cb perf(core): prevent iteration of arrays that should not be observable (#6467)
  • 3ee62fd fix(inject): exclude not enumerable keys of inject object (#6346)
  • 1f52a2a fix(ssr): expose context.styles when no lifecycle styles are injected
  • 09106f0 fix(ssr): handle v-text/v-html with non-string value
  • 7116af4 fix: set value as domProp for
  • 684cd7d fix: preserve slot attribute if not resolved by Vue
  • 844a540 fix: do not use MutationObserver in IE11
  • 6f312d6 fix(v-model): fix input listener with modifier blocking v-model update
  • a977740 chore: update for tiered open collective sponsors

There are 79 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.0 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.0 Level E

Features & Improvements

Error Handling and Reporting

  • improve error handling with new errorCaptured hook b3cd9bc [Details]
  • improve template expression error message e38d006, closes #6771
  • improve option type checks b7105ae

TypeScript Integration

  • further improve Vue type declarations for canonical usage (#6391) db138e2

    This change requires upgrade actions for TypeScript users using 2.4 types. For more details, please read this blog post.

Functional Components

  • compiled templates for functional component support ea0d227 [Details]
  • scoped CSS support for functional components 050bb33

Server Side Rendering

  • renderToString now returns a Promise if no callback is passed f881dd1, closes #6160
  • add shouldPrefetch option (same signature as shouldPreload) 7bc899c, closes #5964
  • auto-remove initial state embed script if in production (#6763) 2d32b5d, closes #6761
  • now ships an environment-agnostic build of the server renderer in vue-server-renderer/basic.js c5d0fa0 [Details]



Scoped Slots



  • add max prop for <keep-alive> for limiting max number of instances cached 2cba6d4

Other Improvements

  • config.ignoredElements can now contain RegExp in addition to strings (#6769) 795b908
  • data function is now called with the vm instance as the first argument (#6760) 3a5432a
  • vue-template-compiler now ships an environment-agnostic build which can be used directly in browsers in vue-template-compiler/browser.js a5e5b31

Bug Fixes


The new version differs by 94 commits.

  • 0948d99 build: release 2.5.0
  • bc2918f build: build 2.5.0
  • df8f179 test: make hydration spec more stable for Edge
  • a85f95c test: use phantom for dev
  • 1eea1a9 build: skip sauce by default in release script
  • e38d006 feat: improve template expression error message
  • b7105ae refactor: improve option type check warnings
  • adff008 refactor: use isRegExp for safer check
  • 9f576aa test: add test for ignoredElements
  • 795b908 feat: support RegExp in ignoredElements (#6769)
  • 12255ff refactor: simplify functional renderStatic
  • ea3a70b chore: fix sponsor link typo
  • bb1d888 refactor: remove no longer needed _staticTrees property
  • 53431c6 types: fix flow typing
  • 4216588 fix: fix scoped CSS for nested nodes in functional components

There are 94 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.1 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.1

Bug Fixes

  • ssr: add semicolon before self-removal script (#6794) 5a15a8d
  • transition-group: work around rollup tree shaking (#6796) 60b1af9, closes #6792
  • v-model: allow arbitrary names for type binding (#6802) 15031b8, closes #6800
  • backwards compat with checkbox code generated in < 2.5 5665eaf, closes #6803
  • fix empty array edge case in normalizeChildren 1f84dd1, closes #6790
  • v-on="object" listeners should fire after high-priority ones 08a7fb5, closes #6805

The new version differs by 11 commits.

  • f865b0d build: release 2.5.1
  • 2b3e1a0 build: build 2.5.1
  • 08a7fb5 fix: v-on="object" listeners should fire after high-priority ones
  • 5665eaf fix: backwards compat with checkbox code generated in < 2.5
  • 60b1af9 fix(transition-group): work around rollup tree shaking (#6796)
  • 15031b8 fix(v-model): allow arbitrary naems for type binding (#6802)
  • 8645e5f refactor: remove unnecessary condition (#6795)
  • 5a15a8d fix(ssr): add semicolon before self-removal script (#6794)
  • 1f84dd1 fix: fix empty array edge case in normalizeChildren
  • f38d44e ci: update caching setup + update weex runtime
  • 1be48d0 types: update types for config.ignoredElements

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.2 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨


The new version differs by 6 commits.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.3 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.3

Notable update: Type compatibility with TS 2.6

Bug Fixes

  • core: static trees should be cached on options (#6826) (#6837) b6c384d
  • core: $set should respect properties on prototype chain 83ed926, closes #6845
  • core: also clone component slot children during deepClone 1cf02ef, closes #6891 #6915
  • core: properly mark slot rendered flag in production mode 4fe1a95, closes #6997
  • core: clean up target variables to avoid memory leaks (#6932) c355319, closes #6931
  • core: properly handle nested named slot passing 5a9da95, closes #6996
  • core: properly $off array of events (#6949) c24f3e4
  • ssr: properly render <select v-model> initial state e1657fd, closes #6986
  • ssr: properly render textarea value 79c0d7b, closes #6986
  • ssr: should not optimize root if conditions 4ad9a56, closes #6907
  • types: improve typing for better completion (#6886) 98ea0a3
  • types: relax $options type for TS2.6+ (#6819) 9caed00
  • keep-alive: higher priority for exclude than include (#6905) 604230f
  • v-model: correctly set select v-model initial value on patch (#6910) 58a39df
  • v-model: v-if / v-else not working with :type + v-model (#6955) 0c703e3, closes #6918
  • weex: stop trim css units in richtext component (#6927) 8a784d8
  • quirks: special case for static muted attribute in firefox f2e00f7, closes #6887
  • quirks: handle encoded tabs and newlines in attributes for Chrome a[href] and IE/Edge cfd73c2, closes #6828 #6916

The new version differs by 33 commits.

  • 2acc12c build: release 2.5.3
  • 015a318 build: build 2.5.3
  • ad673e1 chore: fix flow
  • 5a9da95 fix(slots): properly handle nested named slot passing
  • 4fe1a95 fix: properly mark slot rendered flag in production mode
  • e1657fd fix(ssr): properly render initial state e80104e refactor: minor tweak on conditions order (#6992) 79c0d7b fix(ssr): properly render textarea value 53b77f8 refactor: simplify mergeVNodeHook usage 664cee6 refactor: small tweak to #6910 58a39df fix(model): correctly set select v-model initial value on patch (#6910) 0c703e3 fix(v-model): v-if / v-else not working with :type + v-model (#6955) bdcc05a chore: fix creative Tim missing from the sponsors list (#6939) c24f3e4 fix(events): properly $off array of events (#6949) f2e00f7 fix: special case for static muted attribute in firefox There are 33 commits in total. See the full diff
greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.4 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.4

Bug Fixes

  • core: clone slot nodes for render function usage as well 13196b2, closes #7041
  • v-on: normlaize @click.right and @click.middle daed1e7, closes #7020
  • ssr: should warn unknown components during hydration df82aeb, closes #6998
  • ssr: ensure hydrated class & style bindings are reactive 5db86b4, closes #7063
  • transition: fix out-in transition getting stuck with v-if (#7023) 45d7ba8, closes #7023 #6687
  • types: expose VueConstructor (#7002) 267ada0
  • weex: donot rethrow the captured error on weex platform (#7024) c2b1cfe

The new version differs by 15 commits.

  • a2cd14c build: release 2.5.4
  • 9edcc6b build: build 2.5.4
  • 5db86b4 fix(ssr): ensure hydrated class & style bindings are reactive
  • 6b79919 test: add test case for #6687 + fix lingering comment node
  • 45d7ba8 fix(transition): fix out-in transition getting stuck with v-if (#7023)
  • a3246fd chore: closing after chat (#7059)
  • 13196b2 fix: clone slot nodes for render fn usage as well
  • df82aeb fix: should warn unknown components during hydration
  • daed1e7 fix: normlaize @click.right and @click.middle
  • 7cf188e feat(weex): support batch update styles and attributes (#7046)
  • c2b1cfe fix(weex): donot rethrow the captured error on weex platform (#7024)
  • 0496115 chore: live link for Vue examples under 'Documentation' (#7026)
  • 9463ac8 test: fix weex tests
  • f0a66c5 refactor: cache v-once and purely static trees separately
  • 267ada0 fix(types): expose VueConstructor (#7002)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.5 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.5

Bug Fixes

  • init _staticTrees to avoid runtime reference warning f5cd29e, closes #7075
  • <keep-alive> should not cache anonymous components 4d8226f, closes #6938
  • should warn unknown components inside <keep-alive> 6d6b373


  • warn if both v-model and v-bind:value are used on same element (#7056) 1e14603

The new version differs by 6 commits.

  • 06f121b build: release 2.5.5
  • 9ae75e5 build: build 2.5.5
  • 4d8226f fix: keep-alive should not cache anonymous components
  • 6d6b373 fix: should warn unknown components inside
  • f5cd29e fix: init _staticTrees to avoid runtime reference warning
  • 1e14603 feat: warn if both v-model and v-bind:value used on same element (#7056)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.6 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.6

Bug Fixes

  • fix v-model :value warning on custom component 59dea37, closes #7084

The new version differs by 3 commits.

  • b278120 build: release 2.5.6
  • 7f31ec9 build: build 2.5.6
  • 59dea37 fix: fix v-model :value warning on custom component

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.7 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.7

Bug Fixes

  • ssr: fix bundle renderer require path on windows (#7085) 063acb7, closes #7085
  • keep-alive: fix <keep-alive> include/exclude logic for anonymous components a23b913


  • core: allow deep tracking of reactive objects which are sealed (#7080) 4c22d1d
  • compiler: improve error detector v-for identifier check to handle arbitrary unicode d891cd1, closes #6971

The new version differs by 7 commits.

  • f9f7423 build: release 2.5.7
  • c0d03ab build: build 2.5.7
  • d891cd1 fix: improve error detector v-for identifier check
  • c264335 feat: feat: add warning for ambiguous combined usage of slot-scope and v-for
  • 4c22d1d fix: allow traversing reactive objects which are sealed (#7080)
  • 063acb7 fix(ssr): fix bundle renderer require path on windows (#7085)
  • a23b913 fix: fix include/exclude logic for anonymous components

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.8 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.8

Bug Fixes

  • fix v-for alias deconstruct regression ebcef58, closes #7096

The new version differs by 3 commits.

  • b0bbcbd build: release 2.5.8
  • 0fdeae7 build: build 2.5.8
  • ebcef58 fix: fix v-for alias deconstruct regression

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.9 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.9

Bug Fixes

  • core: ensure functionalContext is cloned during slot clones 604e081, closes #7106
  • core: fix async component resolving in sibling mounted hook dd21eac, closes #7107
  • compiler: fix v-for iterator parsing destructuring + parens without index aa82625
  • keep-alive: should not destroy active instance when pruning cache 3932a45, closes #7105
  • types: add missing ssr renderToString signature 14e9908
  • types: add Promise signature for bundleRenderer.renderToString (#7098) 3554eb2
  • types: bump ts version and fix typing bugs (#7135) a71e653, closes #7135
  • types: improve and test bundleRenderer.renderToString Promise types fcc1229
  • types: use object and string instead of Object and String (#7126) d2e1d49
  • browser quirks: block unnecessary input event on textarea placeholder in IE 0f7c443, closes #7138

The new version differs by 18 commits.

  • d4e0c3e build: release 2.5.9
  • 55a719c build: build 2.5.9
  • c865836 build: tweak release script to generate note before tagging
  • 1c1621d chore: fix flow
  • 0f7c443 fix: block unnecessary input event on textarea placeholder in IE
  • d2e1d49 fix(types): use object and string instead of Object and String (#7126)
  • a71e653 fix(types): bump ts version and fix typing bugs (#7135)
  • 8b43c81 ci: bump transition unit test duration
  • aa82625 fix: fix v-for iterator parsing destructuring + parens without index
  • 14e9908 fix(types): add missing ssr renderToString signature
  • df37292 chore: fix comment typo (#7113)
  • 70fb68b chore: fix comment typo
  • dd21eac fix: fix async component resolving in sibling mounted hook
  • 604e081 fix: ensure functionalContext is cloned during slot clones
  • 3932a45 fix(keep-alive): should not destroy active instance when pruning cache

There are 18 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.10 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.10

Bug Fixes

  • core: data() should be called with vm as first argument in mixins bd4819e, closes #7191
  • core: more consistent component naming warnings across the API 644274c, closes #7212
  • core: revert shared static tree cache to avoid memory leak 5875c7c, closes #7184
  • core: warn duplicate keys in all cases (#7200) 023f171, closes #7199
  • v-for: support array and nested destructuring in v-for f5ce6b5
  • v-model: should not update in-focus input value with lazy modifier 60da366, closes #7153
  • ssr: fix double escaping of ssrNode attribute values (#7224) 73a89bf, closes #7224 #7223
  • ssr: properly handle errors in async component 8936b8d, closes #6778
  • weex: send createFinish signal after root component mounted (#7154) 0da8bce

The new version differs by 17 commits.

  • a5924a5 build: release 2.5.10
  • 711aaf7 build: build 2.5.10
  • 8936b8d fix(ssr): properly handle errors in async component
  • 86e4d75 test: add test case for #7223
  • 73a89bf fix(ssr): fix double escaping of ssrNode attribute values (#7224)
  • 023f171 fix(core): warn duplicate keys in all cases (#7200)
  • 644274c fix: more consistent component naming warnings across the API
  • bd4819e fix: data() should be called with vm as first argument in mixins
  • 6eccd8e chore: update backers
  • 904d9c9 test: fix weex test case
  • 5875c7c fix: revert shared static tree cache to avoid memory leak
  • 0da8bce fix(weex): send createFinish signal after root component mounted (#7154)
  • 7166c4e chore: update sponsors
  • a6bf97d chore: tweak logo alt in (#7156)
  • 60da366 fix: should not update in-focus input value with lazy modifier

There are 17 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.11 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.11

Bug Fixes

  • avoid unnecessary lowercase coersion in component name validation 3f0c628, closes #7237



The new version differs by 8 commits.

  • 9c01684 build: release 2.5.11
  • 36efc76 build: build 2.5.11
  • 3f0c628 fix: avoid unnecessary lowercase coersion in component name validation
  • 90ed482 refactor: move prop rule validation to util/options.js
  • d02bb37 feat: warn misspelled keys on prop validation object (#7198)
  • 14f7015 test: fix ssr test due to webpack asset emit order change
  • 531371b types: upgrade flow
  • 4e00688 build: update dev dependencies

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.12 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.12

Bug Fixes


  • core: allow symbol as vdom key bacb911, closes #7271

  • core: prop bindings with inline Object/Array literal values no longer cause the child component to always re-render:

    <foo :bar="[1, 2, 3]"/>

    The compiler now automatically wraps the literal value as an inline computed property to avoid creating new values on each render (unless data it depends on has changed).

  • types: extract VueConfiguration type for easy expansion (#7274) c0d516c, closes #7273


The new version differs by 45 commits.

  • ec2c48c build: release 2.5.12
  • bc71940 build: build 2.5.12
  • bacb911 fix(warning): allow symbol as vdom key (#7271)
  • c0d516c feat(types): extract VueConfiguration type for easy expansion (#7273) (#7274)
  • 01c0750 revert: revert prop object validation
  • 2e0f6d5 refactor: reuse v-for parsing logic
  • 1dd6b6f refactor: adjust weex branch coverage and build for merging into dev
  • 661bfe5 feat(weex): partially support lifecycles of virtual component (#7242)
  • d544d05 fix(weex): append as tree by default for recycle-list and cell-slot (#7216)
  • b8d33ec feat(weex): WIP implement virtual component (#7165)
  • 70b97ac feat(weex): recycle-list support stateful child component
  • 452a65c feat(weex): pass stateless component test case
  • 62e47c9 feat(weex): WIP adjust component transform stage
  • 88f3889 feat(weex): WIP mark recycle list child component root
  • b06d09f types: adjust weex flow types

There are 45 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.13 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.13

Bug Fixes

  • revert auto cache for inline prop literals, fix regressions (#7283)

The new version differs by 3 commits.

  • d982e34 build: release 2.5.13
  • cc319bd build: build 2.5.13
  • aac7634 Revert "feat: auto cache inline prop literals to avoid child re-render"

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.14 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.14

Bug Fixes


The new version differs by 83 commits.

  • 387d256 build: release 2.5.14
  • a08feed build: build 2.5.14
  • 2c52c42 workflow: specify e2e env when releasing
  • 83ea0da chore: coverage
  • 81e1e47 fix: respect type order when boolean casting multi-typed props
  • a2cd412 refactor: observerState
  • 318f29f fix(core): disable dependency collection in lifecycle hooks and data getter (#7596)
  • d7d9b00 chore: fix typo (#7781)
  • 6bc75ca fix(v-on): return handler value when using modifiers (#7704)
  • db58493 fix(v-model): handle trailing whitespaces in expression (#7737)
  • 550c3c0 fix(model): fix array index binding for v-model checkbox (#7671)
  • 144bf5a fix(types): prefer normal component over functional one (#7687)
  • 68b51f2 chore: fix comment grammar mistake (#7739)
  • 6931a47 refactor: use more accurate variable name (#7755)
  • 8053f60 chore: merge imports (#7762)

There are 83 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.15 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.15

Bug Fixes

  • do not traverse VNodes when regsitering dependencies 84a9a9d, closes #7786

The new version differs by 3 commits.

  • af5453c build: release 2.5.15
  • bafc73f build: build 2.5.15
  • 84a9a9d fix: do not traverse VNodes when regsitering dependencies

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 2.5.16 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.16

Bug Fixes

  • allow multiline expression in v-for 71b4b25, closes #7792
  • fix keyName checking for arrow keys in IE11 4378fc5, closes #7806
  • fix regression on duplicate component init when using shared data objects 984927a, closes #7805
  • core: Make set/delete warning condition for undefined, null and (#7818) 9084747, closes #7818 #7452
  • keep-alive: run prune after render for correct active component check 215f877, closes #7566
  • model: fix static input type being overwritten by v-bind object (#7819) a6169d1, closes #7819 #7811
  • ssr: fix SSR for async functional components 882e719, closes #7784
  • ssr: fix v-show inline style rendering when style binding is array (#7814) 1a979c4, closes #7814 #7813
  • fix wrongly matched named slots in functional components 62a922e, closes #7817
  • named slots for nested functional components 6dd73e9, closes #7710

The new version differs by 16 commits.

  • 2534219 build: release 2.5.16
  • 9089170 build: build 2.5.16
  • 62a922e fix: fix wrongly matched named slots in functional components
  • 9084747 fix(core): Make set/delete warning condition for undefined, null and (#7818)
  • 1a979c4 fix(ssr): fix v-show inline style rendering when style binding is array (#7814)
  • a6169d1 fix(model): fix static input type being overwritten by v-bind object (#7819)
  • 6dd73e9 fix: named slots for nested functional components
  • 215f877 fix(keep-alive): run prune after render for correct active component check
  • 4378fc5 fix: fix keyName checking for arrow keys in IE11
  • 984927a fix: fix regression on duplicate component init when using shared data objects
  • cf0b1b7 ci: use yarn.lock instead of package-lock.json
  • 7020009 chore: fix typo
  • 35dc8c2 types: add Fragment in RenderState typing (#7802)
  • 882e719 fix(ssr): fix SSR for async functional components
  • 666cdbd test(vdom): add test case for #7786 (#7793)

There are 16 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Version 2.5.17 just got published.

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare the changes 🚨

Release Notes v2.5.17

Bug Fixes

  • fix potential xss vulnerability in ssr when using v-bind c28f792

The new version differs by 4 commits.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

Release Notes for v2.5.18

Includes everything in 2.5.18-beta.0

Bug Fixes


The new version differs by 164 commits ahead by 164, behind by 4.

  • dadc918 build: release 2.5.18
  • eb81ec2 build: build 2.5.18
  • dfaf9e2 fix(types): type support for advanced async components (#8438)
  • 8a2dbf5 fix(transition-group): fix activeInstance regression
  • 0ed0aad fix: fix keyName checking for space and delete in IE11 (#9150)
  • f077ed1 fix(ssr): fix ssr template publicPath generation
  • 93850f4 chore: fix sponsor link
  • 1b4a8a0 fix(compiler): fix codegen for v-for component inside template
  • 448ba65 fix(types): correct scopedSlot types (#9131)
  • 0d7fb73 chore: update sponsors/backers [ci skip]
  • e8031b4 build: release v2.5.18-beta.0
  • fe194dd build: build v2.5.18-beta.0
  • 3078352 fix(ssr): resolve server directives the same as on client (#9129)
  • aca17b4 ci: add regression test for popular libraries in Vue.js ecosystem (#8608)
  • e4b1b57 fix(ssr): adjust call stack size defer threshold

There are 164 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

Release Notes for v2.5.19

Bug Fixes

  • ssr: should not warn for custom directives that do not have ssr implementation 780dac5, closes #9167
  • vdom: remove unnecessary sameVnode condition 0d4b35f, closes #9168


  • fix(sfc): avoid deindent when pad option is specified (#7647) 5d721a4, closes #7647

The new version differs by 6 commits.

  • 628c1b7 build: release 2.5.19
  • c38a81b build: build 2.5.19
  • 0d4b35f fix(vdom): remove unnecessary sameVnode condition
  • 5d721a4 revert: fix(sfc): avoid deindent when pad option is specified (#7647)
  • 780dac5 fix(ssr): should not warn for custom directives that do not have ssr implementation
  • a89384c test(ssr): add basic directives test (#9166)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€


The new version differs by 3 commits.

  • 77d406b build: release 2.5.20
  • 952d3b4 build: build 2.5.20
  • e06d2af fix(types): avoid this in VueConstructor signature (#9173)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.5.21

Bug Fixes

Performance Improvements

  • skip normalization on single child element v-for 4074104

The new version differs by 17 commits.

  • 7075408 build: release 2.5.21
  • b449e17 build: build 2.5.21
  • 847e493 fix: fix single v-for child optimization
  • 4e97548 test: use mocks for commits e2e test
  • 80fb6b8 revert: "chore: use keypress in TodoMVC example for IME input methods (#9172)"
  • 4074104 perf: skip normalization on single child element v-for
  • 4748760 fix: fix v-for component with undefined value
  • 984393f test: change model text's priority case (#9170)
  • 6980035 chore: use keypress in TodoMVC example for IME input methods (#9172)
  • 87bad80 fix(lifecycle): beforeUpdated should not be called if component is destroyed (#9171)
  • d8285c5 fix(weex): support data class type that is string (#9139)
  • 8fccd82 chore: fix tag name in compiler/parser/index.js (#9165)
  • 3d44937 fix(v-model): properly handle multiline v-model expressions (#9184)
  • d780dd2 fix(types): accept primatives and falsy values in createElement children (#9154)
  • 77d406b build: release 2.5.20

There are 17 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.5.22

Bug Fixes


The new version differs by 29 commits.

  • 99343f9 build: release 2.5.22
  • 06dbb2a build: build 2.5.22
  • 7ac8f63 chore: remove residual files from dist
  • 0d2e9c4 fix(core): dedupe lifecycle hooks during options merge
  • 743edac fix(core): fix merged twice bug when passing extended constructor to mixins (#9199)
  • d21e931 fix(async component): memory leak after synchronous async loading (#9275)
  • cf42f8e chore: update sponsors [ci skip] (#9296)
  • 75a2b4c chore: update sponsors
  • c117e8f chore: update backers
  • 38e967b refactor: tiny cleanup changes (#9193)
  • af9e2b3 chore: minor comment cleanup (#9191)
  • b06c784 fix(ssr): support rendering comment (#9128)
  • 7075408 build: release 2.5.21
  • b449e17 build: build 2.5.21
  • 847e493 fix: fix single v-for child optimization

There are 29 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.6.0 Macross

Announcement Blog Post


@gzzhanghao, @mathieutu, @Justineo, @shortdiv, @imzyf, @youngrok, @enkot, @posva, @utatti, @Akryum, @ferdaber, @ktsn, @mymyoux, @sodatea, @hikerpig, @hirokiosame, @AlexMaguey


Performance Improvements

  • improve scoped slots change detection accuracy (#9371) f219bed

Important Internal Changes

These internal changes may cause unintended side effects on existing code that relies on non-publicly-documented behavior.

Bug Fixes

  • allow more enumerated values for contenteditable e632e9a, closes #9397
  • fix v-bind:style for camelCase properties with !important (#9386) 539e481, closes #9386
  • fix checkbox event edge case in Firefox 1868561
  • always use microtasks for nextTick (#8450) 850555d, closes #8450 #7109 #7546 #7707 #7834 #8109 #6566
  • core: dedupe lifecycle hooks during options merge edf7df0, closes #9199
  • core: fix merged twice bug when passing extended constructor to mixins (#9199) 5371617, closes #9199 #9198
  • provide/inject: Merges symbol provides (#7926) 1933ee8, closes #7926
  • runtime: DevTools recommendation shows for all browsers (#8638) 22ad266, closes #8638 #8634
  • make transition-group key warning a tip to avoid breaking compilation d08b49f
  • ssr: properly handle invalid and numeric style properties 7d9cfeb, closes #9231
  • cover more cases in v-on inline return value 9432737
  • ssr: should not render invalid numeric style values 17d8bcb
  • ssr: should render 0 as valid value for style property with unit aef5b4e
  • ensure only nromalize a scoped slot when it is present 5fb23d4
  • ensure proxied normal slot uses correct key b32c4b6
  • return inline invocation return value in v-on handlers 0ebb0f3, closes #7628

The new version differs by 150 commits.

  • 8554831 build: release 2.6.0
  • 076dc8d build: build 2.6.0
  • 9b33f20 chore: update sponsors [ci skip] (#9405)
  • 64f863b feat: move v-bind.prop shorthand behind flag
  • 44a17ba fix: fix child forceUpdate regression
  • 539e481 fix: fix v-bind:style for camelCase properties with !important (#9386)
  • e1db2c5 chore: update sponsors [ci skip] (#9400)
  • e632e9a fix: allow more enumerated values for contenteditable
  • 6afd96f chore: fix flow
  • 3edb999 polish: warn against incorrect nested v-slot usage
  • 2807fd2 fix: template v-slot should work with v-else conditions
  • 5851961 refactor: adjust codegen for v-if on scoped slot
  • 7721feb build: release 2.6.0-beta.3
  • 9f3cbaf build: build 2.6.0-beta.3
  • 2afa1d0 build: fix feature flags for esm builds

There are 150 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.6.1

Bug Fixes


The new version differs by 158 commits.

  • 1a6f7a5 build: release 2.6.1
  • 6fb3a22 build: build 2.6.1
  • 66fd3c8 fix(v-model): add value to $attrs if not defined in props (#9331)
  • 0fb03b7 fix: avoid blocking first input event in IE when it shouldn't (#9297)
  • 55bfb94 fix(compiler): fix inline-template crashing (#9365)
  • c27fe24 fix: decode single quotes in html attributes (#9341)
  • 1922e7d fix(template-compiler): allow comments on the root node in templates (#9408)
  • b6b42ca fix: avoid isPromise check when handler return value is Vue instance
  • 8554831 build: release 2.6.0
  • 076dc8d build: build 2.6.0
  • 9b33f20 chore: update sponsors [ci skip] (#9405)
  • 64f863b feat: move v-bind.prop shorthand behind flag
  • 44a17ba fix: fix child forceUpdate regression
  • 539e481 fix: fix v-bind:style for camelCase properties with !important (#9386)
  • e1db2c5 chore: update sponsors [ci skip] (#9400)

There are 158 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.6.2


  • expose all scoped slots on this.$slots. 0129b0e, closes #9421

    • This ensures normal slots using the new v-slot syntax can still be accessed on this.$slots.

Bug Fixes

  • always set transformed model value on attrs b034abf (Fixes v-select issue in Vuetify)
  • restore slot-scope + v-if behavior 44a4ca3, closes #9422

The new version differs by 163 commits.

  • ee9b684 build: release 2.6.2
  • 2279509 build: build 2.6.2
  • 44a4ca3 fix: restore slot-scope + v-if behavior
  • 0129b0e feat: expose all scoped slots on this.$slots
  • b034abf fix: always set transformed model value on attrs
  • 1a6f7a5 build: release 2.6.1
  • 6fb3a22 build: build 2.6.1
  • 66fd3c8 fix(v-model): add value to $attrs if not defined in props (#9331)
  • 0fb03b7 fix: avoid blocking first input event in IE when it shouldn't (#9297)
  • 55bfb94 fix(compiler): fix inline-template crashing (#9365)
  • c27fe24 fix: decode single quotes in html attributes (#9341)
  • 1922e7d fix(template-compiler): allow comments on the root node in templates (#9408)
  • b6b42ca fix: avoid isPromise check when handler return value is Vue instance
  • 8554831 build: release 2.6.0
  • 076dc8d build: build 2.6.0

There are 163 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.6.3

Bug Fixes

  • async component should use render owner as force update context b9de23b, closes #9432
  • avoid exposing internal flags on $scopedSlots 24b4640, closes #9443
  • bail out scoped slot optimization when there are nested scopes 4d4d22a, closes #9438
  • compiler: fix v-bind dynamic arguments on slot outlets 96a09aa, closes #9444
  • types: add Vue.version to types (#9431) 54e6a12, closes #9431
  • skip microtask fix if event is fired from different document dae7e41, closes #9448
  • skip microtask fix in Firefix <= 53 7bc88f3, closes #9446


  • revert: expose all scoped slots on this.$slots d5ade28

The new version differs by 177 commits.

  • f9c8308 build: release 2.6.3
  • 6441eac build: build 2.6.3
  • dae7e41 fix: skip microtask fix if event is fired from different document
  • d5ade28 revert: feat: expose all scoped slots on this.$slots
  • 7bc88f3 fix: skip microtask fix in Firefix <= 53
  • 96a09aa fix(compiler): fix v-bind dynamic arguments on slot outlets
  • 4d4d22a fix: bail out scoped slot optimization when there are nested scopes
  • b6247fc refactor: split resolve-scoped-slot into its own file
  • 24b4640 fix: avoid exposing internal flags on $scopedSlots
  • 54e6a12 fix(types): add Vue.version to types (#9431)
  • b9de23b fix: async component should use render owner as force update context
  • 2ef67f8 chore: fix typo in scheduler.js [ci skip] (#9425)
  • fdc5f03 [automated] Patreon sponsors update (#9424)
  • d06e3af chore: update backers [ci skip] (#9423)
  • ee9b684 build: release 2.6.2

There are 177 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.6.4

Performance Improvements

  • cache result from functional ctx.slots() calls 7a0dfd0
  • skip scoped slots normalization when possible 099f3ba

Bug Fixes

  • avoid breaking avoriaz edge case 9011b83
  • avoid logging same error twice when thrown by user in global handler ca57920, closes #9445
  • empty scoped slot should return undefined 57bc80a, closes #9452
  • expose v-slot slots without scope on this.$slots 0e8560d, closes #9421 #9458
  • new syntax slots without scope should also be exposed on functional slots() 8a80086

The new version differs by 188 commits.

  • c198950 build: release 2.6.4
  • dfb9fb1 build: build 2.6.4
  • b2a093f chore: fix e2e test in phantomjs
  • 9011b83 fix: avoid breaking avoriaz edge case
  • 8a80086 fix: new syntax slots without scope should also be exposed on functional slots()
  • 099f3ba perf: skip scoped slots normalization when possible
  • 7a0dfd0 perf: cache result from functional ctx.slots() calls
  • 0e8560d fix: expose v-slot slots without scope on this.$slots
  • ca57920 fix: avoid logging same error twice when thrown by user in global handler
  • 57bc80a fix: empty scoped slot should return undefined
  • 4015deb chore: make documentation clearer (#9450)
  • f9c8308 build: release 2.6.3
  • 6441eac build: build 2.6.3
  • dae7e41 fix: skip microtask fix if event is fired from different document
  • d5ade28 revert: feat: expose all scoped slots on this.$slots

There are 188 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.6.5

Bug Fixes

  • allow passing multiple arguments to scoped slot e7d49cd, closes #9468
  • bail out of event blocking for iOS bug 0bad7e2, closes #9462
  • do not cache scoped slots when mixed with normal slots 060686d

The new version differs by 193 commits.

  • 11deaa9 build: release 2.6.5
  • 1489b99 build: build 2.6.5
  • e7d49cd fix: allow passing multiple arguments to scoped slot
  • 060686d fix: do not cache scoped slots when mixed with normal slots
  • 0bad7e2 fix: bail out of event blocking for iOS bug
  • c198950 build: release 2.6.4
  • dfb9fb1 build: build 2.6.4
  • b2a093f chore: fix e2e test in phantomjs
  • 9011b83 fix: avoid breaking avoriaz edge case
  • 8a80086 fix: new syntax slots without scope should also be exposed on functional slots()
  • 099f3ba perf: skip scoped slots normalization when possible
  • 7a0dfd0 perf: cache result from functional ctx.slots() calls
  • 0e8560d fix: expose v-slot slots without scope on this.$slots
  • ca57920 fix: avoid logging same error twice when thrown by user in global handler
  • 57bc80a fix: empty scoped slot should return undefined

There are 193 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are passing again with this update. Explicitly upgrade to these versions πŸš€

Release Notes for v2.6.6

Bug Fixes

  • ensure scoped slot containing passed down slot content updates properly 21fca2f
  • fix keyCode check for Chrome autofill fake key events 29c348f, closes #9441

The new version differs by 197 commits.

  • a702d19 build: release 2.6.6
  • ac7a5bd build: build 2.6.6
  • 29c348f fix: fix keyCode check for Chrome autofill fake key events
  • 21fca2f fix: ensure scoped slot containing passed down slot content updates properly
  • 11deaa9 build: release 2.6.5
  • 1489b99 build: build 2.6.5
  • e7d49cd fix: allow passing multiple arguments to scoped slot
  • 060686d fix: do not cache scoped slots when mixed with normal slots
  • 0bad7e2 fix: bail out of event blocking for iOS bug
  • c198950 build: release 2.6.4
  • dfb9fb1 build: build 2.6.4
  • b2a093f chore: fix e2e test in phantomjs
  • 9011b83 fix: avoid breaking avoriaz edge case
  • 8a80086 fix: new syntax slots without scope should also be exposed on functional slots()
  • 099f3ba perf: skip scoped slots normalization when possible

There are 197 commits in total.

See the full diff