KiCad automation utility
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[HOW] WARNING:(W009) KiCad config without environment.vars section #359

Closed mundodisco8 closed 1 year ago

mundodisco8 commented 1 year ago

What do you want to achieve? I would like to know where to get more information about the meaning of some warnings and how to fix them.

Do you have some PCB/Schematic to use as example? I attach a project. Running

kibot -e Snowflake.kicad_sch -b Snowflake.kicad_pcb

Triggers warning W009. The configuration file is example_template.kibot.yaml.

Do you have some configuration file (.kibot.yaml) that you are using? It's the example template, with parts commented. I'm learning my way through and I haven't explored much yet. It's included in the zip file

  version: 1

  # Acknowledge some of the errors thrown in the process
    # S1 is the silkscreen with the text in the back (turn this...). It doesn't have a symbol associated in the schematic
    - filter: 'S1 in board, but not in schematic'
      number: 13
      regex: 'S1'
    # DRC error on courtyard overlap is now a warning
    - filter: 'Courtyard overlap Battery/counter warning'
      number: 58
      regex: 'Footprint U2\n.+BT1'
    - filter: "Battery Internal connection"
      number: 58
      regex: 'BT1 on B.Cu\n.+BT1 on B.Cu'
    # Complaint about the resistor of the potentiometer being `0-50k`
    - filter: 'Pot value'
      number: 20
      regex: '0-50k'

  # [dict] Annotates the PCB according to physical coordinates.
  # This preflight modifies the PCB and schematic, use it only in revision control environments.
  # Used to assign references according to footprint coordinates.
  # The project must be fully annotated first.
  # annotate_pcb:
  #   - top_main_axis: y
  #   - top_main_ascending: true
  #   - top_secondary_ascending: true
  #   - top_start: 1
  #   - bottom_main_axis: y
  #   - bottom_main_ascending: true
  #   - bottom_secondary_ascending: true
  #   - bottom_start: 101
  #   - use_position_of: 'footprint'
  #   - grid: 1.0
  # [boolean=false] Annotates all power components.
  # This preflight modifies the schematic, use it only in revision control environments.
  # Used to solve ERC problems when using filters that remove power reference numbers.
  annotate_power: true
  # [boolean=false] Zones are filled before doing any operation involving PCB layers.
  # The original PCB remains unchanged.
  check_zone_fills: true
  # [boolean=false] Option for `run_erc`. ERC warnings are considered errors.
  erc_warnings: false
  # [boolean=false] Fill all zones again and save the PCB.
  fill_zones: true
  # [list(dict)] A list of entries to filter out ERC/DRC messages.
  # Note that ignored errors will become KiBot warnings (i.e. `(W058) ...`).
  # To farther ignore these warnings use the `filters` option in the `global` section.
  # Acknowledge DRC errors
    # The courtyard from the battery holder and counter overlap slightly
    - filter: "Courtyard from battery and counter overlap slightly"
      error: 'courtyards_overlap'
      regex: 'Footprint U2\n.+BT1'
    # The battery holder has an "internal" connection and kicad doesn't like it...
    - filter: "Battery Internal connection"
      error: 'unconnected_items'
      regex: 'BT1 on B.Cu\n.+BT1 on B.Cu'
  # [boolean=false] Option for `run_drc`. Ignores the unconnected nets. Useful if you didn't finish the routing.
  ignore_unconnected: false
  # [dict] Replaces tags in the PCB. I.e. to insert the git hash or last revision date.
  # This is useful for KiCad 5, use `set_text_variables` when using KiCad 6.
  # This preflight modifies the PCB. Even when a back-up is done use it carefully.
  # pcb_replace:
  #   date_command: "git log -1 --format='%as' -- $KIBOT_PCB_NAME"
  #   replace_tags:
  #     - tag: '@git_hash@'
  #       command: 'git log -1 --format="%h" $KIBOT_PCB_NAME'
  #       before: 'Git hash: <'
  #       after: '>'
  # [boolean=false] Runs the DRC (Distance Rules Check). To ensure we have a valid PCB.
  # The report file name is controlled by the global output pattern (%i=drc %x=txt).
  # Note that the KiCad 6 *Test for parity between PCB and schematic* option is not supported.
  # If you need to check the parity use the `update_xml` preflight.
  run_drc: true
  # [boolean=false] Runs the ERC (Electrical Rules Check). To ensure the schematic is electrically correct.
  # The report file name is controlled by the global output pattern (%i=erc %x=txt).
  run_erc: true
  # [dict] Replaces tags in the schematic. I.e. to insert the git hash or last revision date.
  # This is useful for KiCad 5, use `set_text_variables` when using KiCad 6.
  # This preflight modifies the schematics. Even when a back-up is done use it carefully.
  # sch_replace:
  #   date_command: "git log -1 --format='%as' -- $KIBOT_SCH_NAME"
  #   replace_tags:
  #     - tag: '@git_hash@'
  #       command: 'git log -1 --format="%h" $KIBOT_SCH_NAME'
  #       before: 'Git hash: <'
  #       after: '>'
  # [dict|list(dict)] Defines KiCad 6 variables.
  # They are expanded using ${VARIABLE}, and stored in the project file.
  # This preflight replaces `pcb_replace` and `sch_replace` when using KiCad 6.
  # The KiCad project file is modified.
  # set_text_variables:
  #   - name: 'git_hash'
  #     command: 'git log -1 --format="%h" $KIBOT_PCB_NAME'
  #     before: 'Git hash: <'
  #     after: '>'
  # [boolean=false] Update the QR codes.
  # Complements the `qr_lib` output.
  # # The KiCad 6 files and the KiCad 5 PCB needs manual update, generating a new library isn't enough.
  # update_qr: true
  # [boolean=false|dict] Update the XML version of the BoM (Bill of Materials).
  # To ensure our generated BoM is up to date.
  # Note that this isn't needed when using the internal BoM generator (`bom`).
  # You can compare the PCB and schematic netlists using it.
  update_xml: true

   # BoM (Bill of Materials):
  # This output can generate XYRS files (pick and place files).
  # Is compatible with KiBoM, but doesn't need to update the XML netlist because the components
  # are loaded from the schematic.
  # Important differences with KiBoM output:
  # - All options are in the main `options` section, not in `conf` subsection.
  # - The `Component` column is named `Row` and works just like any other column.
  # This output is what you get from the 'Tools/Generate Bill of Materials' menu in eeschema.
  - name: 'bom_example'
    comment: 'Used to generate the BoM in CSV, HTML, TSV, TXT, XML or XLSX format using the internal BoM.'
    type: 'bom'
    dir: 'Example/bom_dir'
      # [list(dict)] Add components from other projects.
      # You can use CSV files, the first row must contain the names of the fields.
      # The `Reference` and `Value` are mandatory, in most cases `Part` is also needed.
      # The `Part` column should contain the name/type of the component. This is important for
      # passive components (R, L, C, etc.). If this information isn't available consider
      # configuring the grouping to exclude the `Part`.
      # aggregate:
      #   # [string=','] Delimiter used for CSV files
      #   - delimiter: ','
      #     # [string=''] Name of the schematic to aggregate
      #     file: ''
      #     # [string=''] Name to identify this source. If empty we use the name of the schematic
      #     name: ''
      #     # [number=1] Number of boards to build (components multiplier). Use negative to subtract
      #     number: 1
      #     # [string=''] A prefix to add to all the references from this project
      #     ref_id: ''
      # [boolean=true] Always use positive values for the footprint rotation
      angle_positive: true
      # [boolean=false] Use negative X coordinates for footprints on bottom layer (for XYRS)
      bottom_negative_x: false
      # [list(dict)|list(string)] List of columns to display.
      # Can be just the name of the field
        # [string=''] Used as explanation for this column. The XLSX output uses it
        - comment: ''
          # [string=''] Name of the field to use for this column
          field: 'Row'
          # [list(dict)|list(string)|string=''] List of fields to join to this column
            # [string=''] Name of the field
            - field: 'Voltage'
              # [string=''] Text to use instead of a field. This option is incompatible with the `field` option.
              # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
              # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
              text: ''
              # [string=''] Text to add after the field content. Will be added only if the field isn't empty.
              # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
              # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
              text_after: ''
              # [string=''] Text to add before the field content. Will be added only if the field isn't empty.
              # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
              # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
              text_before: ''
          # [number=0] Used to group columns. The XLSX output uses it to collapse columns
          level: 0
          # [string=''] Name to display in the header. The field is used when empty
          name: 'Line'
      # [list(list(string))] A series of values which are considered to be equivalent for the part name.
      # Each entry is a list of equivalen names. Example: ['c', 'c_small', 'cap' ]
      # will ensure the equivalent capacitor symbols can be grouped together.
      # If empty the following aliases are used:
      # - ['r', 'r_small', 'res', 'resistor']
      # - ['l', 'l_small', 'inductor']
      # - ['c', 'c_small', 'cap', 'capacitor']
      # - ['sw', 'switch']
      # - ['zener', 'zenersmall']
      # - ['d', 'diode', 'd_small']
      component_aliases: [['r', 'r_small', 'res', 'resistor'], ['l', 'l_small', 'inductor'], ['c', 'c_small', 'cap', 'capacitor'], ['sw', 'switch'], ['zener', 'zenersmall'], ['d', 'diode', 'd_small']]
      # [list(dict)|list(string)] List of columns to add to the global section of the cost.
      # Can be just the name of the field
        # [string=''] Used as explanation for this column. The XLSX output uses it
        - comment: ''
          # [string=''] Name of the field to use for this column
          field: 'Row'
          # [list(dict)|list(string)|string=''] List of fields to join to this column
            # [string=''] Name of the field
            - field: 'Voltage'
              # [string=''] Text to use instead of a field. This option is incompatible with the `field` option.
              # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
              # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
              text: ''
              # [string=''] Text to add after the field content. Will be added only if the field isn't empty.
              # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
              # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
              text_after: ''
              # [string=''] Text to add before the field content. Will be added only if the field isn't empty.
              # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
              # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
              text_before: ''
          # [number=0] Used to group columns. The XLSX output uses it to collapse columns
          level: 0
          # [string=''] Name to display in the header. The field is used when empty
          name: 'Line'
      # [boolean=false] Show the stats about how many of the components are SMD/THT. You must provide the PCB
      count_smd_tht: false
      # [dict] Options for the CSV, TXT and TSV formats
        # [boolean=false] Hide the header line (names of the columns)
        hide_header: false
        # [boolean=false] Hide project information
        hide_pcb_info: false
        # [boolean=false] Hide statistics information
        hide_stats_info: false
        # [boolean=false] Enclose all values using double quotes
        quote_all: false
        # [string=','] CSV Separator. TXT and TSV always use tab as delimiter.
        # Only one character can be specified
        separator: ','
      # [string|list(string)] Include this distributors list. Default is all the available
      # distributors:
      # [string|list(string)='_kibom_dnc'] Name of the filter to mark components as 'Do Not Change'.
      # The default filter marks components with a DNC value or DNC in the Config field.
      # This option is for simple cases, consider using a full variant for complex cases
      dnc_filter: '_kibom_dnc'
      # [string|list(string)='_kibom_dnf'] Name of the filter to mark components as 'Do Not Fit'.
      # The default filter marks components with a DNF value or DNF in the Config field.
      # This option is for simple cases, consider using a full variant for complex cases
      dnf_filter: '_kibom_dnf'
      # [string|list(string)='_mechanical'] Name of the filter to exclude components from BoM processing.
      # The default filter excludes test points, fiducial marks, mounting holes, etc.
      # This option is for simple cases, consider using a full variant for complex cases
      exclude_filter: '_mechanical'
      # [boolean=false] Exclude components marked with *Exclude from BOM* in the PCB.
      # This is a KiCad 6 option
      exclude_marked_in_pcb: false
      # [boolean=true] Exclude components marked with *Exclude from bill of materials* in the schematic.
      # This is a KiCad 6 option
      exclude_marked_in_sch: true
      # [boolean=true] Expand KiCad 6 text variables after applying all filters and variants.
      # This is done using a **_expand_text_vars** filter.
      # If you need to customize the filter, or apply it before, you can disable this option and
      # add a custom filter to the filter chain
      expand_text_vars: true
      # [string='Config'] Field name used for internal filters (not for variants)
      fit_field: 'Config'
      # [string|list(string)='no,yes'] Values for the `Footprint Populate` column
      footprint_populate_values: 'no,yes'
      # [string|list(string)='SMD,THT,VIRTUAL'] Values for the `Footprint Type` column
      footprint_type_values: 'SMD,THT,VIRTUAL'
      # [string=''] [HTML,CSV,TXT,TSV,XML,XLSX,HRTXT] format for the BoM.
      # Defaults to CSV or a guess according to the options.
      # HRTXT stands for Human Readable TeXT
      format: 'CSV'
      # [boolean=true] Connectors with the same footprints will be grouped together, independent of the name of the connector
      group_connectors: true
      # [list(string)] List of fields used for sorting individual components into groups.
      # Components which match (comparing *all* fields) will be grouped together.
      # Field names are case-insensitive.
      # If empty: ['Part', 'Part Lib', 'Value', 'Footprint', 'Footprint Lib',
      #            'Voltage', 'Tolerance', 'Current', 'Power'] is used
      group_fields: ['part', 'part lib', 'value', 'footprint', 'footprint lib', 'voltage', 'tolerance', 'current', 'power']
      # [list(string)] List of fields to be used when the fields in `group_fields` are empty.
      # The first field in this list is the fallback for the first in `group_fields`, and so on
      # group_fields_fallbacks:
      # [dict] Options for the HRTXT formats
        # [string='-'] Separator between the header and the data
        header_sep: '-'
        # [boolean=false] Hide the header line (names of the columns)
        hide_header: false
        # [boolean=false] Hide project information
        hide_pcb_info: false
        # [boolean=false] Hide statistics information
        hide_stats_info: false
        # [string='left'] [left,right,center] Text justification
        justify: 'left'
        # [string='I'] Column Separator
        separator: 'I'
      # [dict] Options for the HTML format
        # [boolean=true] Use colors to show the field type
        col_colors: true
        # [string=''] Column with links to the datasheet
        datasheet_as_link: ''
        # [string|list(string)=''] Column/s containing Digi-Key part numbers, will be linked to web page
        digikey_link: ''
        # [string|list(string)=''] Information to put after the title and before the pcb and stats info
        extra_info: ''
        # [boolean=true] Generate a separated section for DNF (Do Not Fit) components
        generate_dnf: true
        # [boolean=false] Hide project information
        hide_pcb_info: false
        # [boolean=false] Hide statistics information
        hide_stats_info: false
        # [boolean=true] Use a color for empty cells. Applies only when `col_colors` is `true`
        highlight_empty: true
        # [string|boolean=''] PNG file to use as logo, use false to remove
        logo: ''
        # [string|list(string)=''] Column/s containing Mouser part numbers, will be linked to web page
        mouser_link: ''
        # [string='modern-blue'] Page style. Internal styles: modern-blue, modern-green, modern-red and classic.
        # Or you can provide a CSS file name. Please use .css as file extension.
        style: 'modern-blue'
        # [string='KiBot Bill of Materials'] BoM title
        title: 'KiBot Bill of Materials'
      # [boolean=true] Exclude DNF (Do Not Fit) components
      ignore_dnf: true
      # [boolean=true] Component quantities are always expressed as integers. Using the ceil() function
      int_qtys: true
      # [boolean=true] Component groups with blank fields will be merged into the most compatible group, where possible
      merge_blank_fields: true
      # [boolean=true] When creating groups two components with empty/missing field will be interpreted as with the same value
      merge_both_blank: true
      # [list(string)] List of fields where we tolerate conflicts.
      # Use it to avoid undesired warnings.
      # By default the field indicated in `fit_field`, the field used for variants and
      # the field `part` are excluded
      no_conflict: ['Config', 'Part']
      # [string|list(string)] Exclude this distributors list. They are removed after computing `distributors`
      # no_distributors:
      # [boolean=false] When normalizing values use the locale decimal point
      normalize_locale: false
      # [boolean=false] Try to normalize the R, L and C values, producing uniform units and prefixes
      normalize_values: false
      # [number=1] Number of boards to build (components multiplier)
      number: 1
      # [string='%f-%i%I%v.%x'] filename for the output (%i=bom). Affected by global options
      output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x'
      # [string|list(string)='_none'] Name of the filter to transform fields before applying other filters.
      # This option is for simple cases, consider using a full variant for complex cases
      pre_transform: '_none'
      # [string=''] A prefix to add to all the references from this project. Used for multiple projects
      ref_id: ''
      # [string=' '] Separator used for the list of references
      ref_separator: ' '
      # [string='type_value'] [type_value,type_value_ref,ref] Sorting criteria
      sort_style: 'type_value'
      # [boolean=false] Generate the `Source BoM` column using the reference ID instead of the project name
      source_by_id: false
      # [string='millimeters'] [millimeters,inches,mils] Units used for the positions ('Footprint X' and 'Footprint Y' columns).
      # Affected by global options
      units: 'millimeters'
      # [boolean=false] Print grouped references in the alternate compressed style eg: R1-R7,R18
      use_alt: false
      # [boolean=true] Use the auxiliary axis as origin for coordinates (KiCad default) (for XYRS)
      use_aux_axis_as_origin: true
      # [string=''] Board variant, used to determine which components
      # are output to the BoM.
      variant: ''
      # [dict] Options for the XLSX format
        # [boolean=true] Use colors to show the field type
        col_colors: true
        # [string=''] Column with links to the datasheet
        datasheet_as_link: ''
        # [string|list(string)=''] Column/s containing Digi-Key part numbers, will be linked to web page
        digikey_link: ''
        # [string|list(string)=''] Information to put after the title and before the pcb and stats info
        extra_info: ''
        # [boolean=true] Generate a separated section for DNF (Do Not Fit) components
        generate_dnf: true
        # [boolean=false] Hide project information
        hide_pcb_info: false
        # [boolean=false] Hide statistics information
        hide_stats_info: false
        # [boolean=true] Use a color for empty cells. Applies only when `col_colors` is `true`
        highlight_empty: true
        # [boolean=false] Enable KiCost worksheet creation
        kicost: false
        # [string|list(string)=''] List of KiCost APIs to disable
        kicost_api_disable: ''
        # [string|list(string)=''] List of KiCost APIs to enable
        kicost_api_enable: ''
        # [string=''] KiCost configuration file. It contains the keys for the different distributors APIs.
        # The regular KiCost config is used when empty.
        # Important for CI/CD environments: avoid exposing your API secrets!
        # To understand how to achieve this, and also how to make use of the cache please visit the
        # [kicost_ci_test]( repo
        kicost_config: ''
        # [boolean=false] Used to add a column with the distributor's description. So you can check this is the right component
        kicost_dist_desc: false
        # [string|boolean=''] PNG file to use as logo, use false to remove
        logo: ''
        # [number=2] Scaling factor for the logo. Note that this value isn't honored by all spreadsheet software
        logo_scale: 2
        # [number=60] [20,999] Maximum column width (characters)
        max_col_width: 60
        # [string|list(string)=''] Column/s containing Mouser part numbers, will be linked to web page
        mouser_link: ''
        # [boolean=false] Enable Specs worksheet creation. Contains specifications for the components.
        # Works with only some KiCost APIs
        specs: false
        # [list(dict)|list(string)] Which columns are included in the Specs worksheet. Use `References` for the references,
        # 'Row' for the order and 'Sep' to separate groups at the same level. By default all are included.
        # Column names are distributor specific, the following aren't: '_desc', '_value', '_tolerance', '_footprint',
        # '_power', '_current', '_voltage', '_frequency', '_temp_coeff', '_manf', '_size'
          # [string=''] Used as explanation for this column. The XLSX output uses it
          - comment: ''
            # [string=''] Name of the field to use for this column
            field: 'Row'
            # [list(dict)|list(string)|string=''] List of fields to join to this column
              # [string=''] Name of the field
              - field: 'Voltage'
                # [string=''] Text to use instead of a field. This option is incompatible with the `field` option.
                # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
                # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
                text: ''
                # [string=''] Text to add after the field content. Will be added only if the field isn't empty.
                # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
                # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
                text_after: ''
                # [string=''] Text to add before the field content. Will be added only if the field isn't empty.
                # Any space to separate it should be added in the text.
                # Use \n for newline and \t for tab
                text_before: ''
            # [number=0] Used to group columns. The XLSX output uses it to collapse columns
            level: 0
            # [string=''] Name to display in the header. The field is used when empty
            name: 'Line'
        # [string='modern-blue'] Head style: modern-blue, modern-green, modern-red and classic
        style: 'modern-blue'
        # [string='KiBot Bill of Materials'] BoM title
        title: 'KiBot Bill of Materials'

Environment (please complete the following information): Where are you running KiBot:

Additional context In this particular case, the warning seems to be about the BoM, but it would be great to have a list of warnings to figure out how to deal with them

set-soft commented 1 year ago

Hi @mundodisco8 !

For KiCad 6.0.10 on Ubuntu your config file should be ~/.config/kicad/6.0/kicad_common.json If KiBot can find your KiCad libs this warning isn't important. I think KiCad starts fresh configs without environment variables, and they are added when you edit them. Here is how the environment section in my config (imported from KiCad 5) looks:

  "environment": {
    "show_warning_dialog": true,
    "vars": {
      "KICAD_TEMPLATE_DIR": "/usr/share/kicad/template",
      "KICAD_USER_TEMPLATE_DIR": "/home/salvador/kicad/template",
      "KIGITHUB": "",
      "KISYS3DMOD": "/usr/share/kicad/3dmodels/",
      "KISYSMOD": "/usr/share/kicad/footprints"

The warning means that KiBot is guessing the KiCad environment, which could be wrong. Is usually right if KiCad was installed from the .deb, but if you compile KiCad to be installed in /usr/local/ (or other place) KiBot could fail to find the values.

mundodisco8 commented 1 year ago

brilliant, thanks for the explanation!