[x] Sample world file including system plugin and the sensor plugin
ros2 launch dave_demos dave_world.launch.py world_name:=dave_multibeam_sonar verbose:=true
[x] Launch system with sensor sample in empty world with objects
ros2 launch dave_demos multibeam_sonar_standalone.launch.py x:=4.0 z:=0.5 Y:=3.14
[x] Insert codes of GPU Lidar to publish point cloud
[x] Rebase to recent DVL plugin PR
[x] Blueview model description sdf
[ ] Add plugin to translate gz point cloud msg to ROS
This is to fastforward the effort the migration of the Muiltibeam Sonar plugin.
Notion note related to this is at https://yeongdocat.notion.site/Multibeam-Sonar-Plugin-Migration-Memo-3a98b778e87a419b9adf32a88d78814c?pvs=4
Example Launch Command with
to translate gz msg to ROS msgros_gz_bridge
is not updated for new sensors in new ros-gazebo pair yetExample Launch Command with
Progress (Check date of the update, I am updating this as I progress)
ros2 launch dave_demos dave_world.launch.py world_name:=dave_multibeam_sonar verbose:=true
ros2 launch dave_demos multibeam_sonar_standalone.launch.py x:=4.0 z:=0.5 Y:=3.14
point cloud
just doesn't work, butros2 launch ros_gz_sim_demos gpu_lidar_bridge.launch.py
is for