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Query: penalise prizes by node degree #7

Open samleenz opened 5 years ago

samleenz commented 5 years ago

Hi, we're looking at using this package in some upcoming work so I'm just trying to understand the implementation a little better. Currently, I'm hung up on how you've implemented the hub-penalization as described in equation 2 of Akhmedov 2017.

p'_{v} = p_{v} - mu x degree(v)

From my understanding of the linked interpretation this is only penalizing the prizes of steiner nodes and not those given prizes, and conversely only the prize-nodes are scaled by b which isn't how I'd interpreted the equation in your manuscript.

Although, I see having just checked Forest's source code they do the same thing so I guess it was a misinterpretation on my behalf. Regardless, I can see value in prize-nodes being penalized by their degree as well. Is this something you ever considered doing or tested at all?

Thanks, Sam