IOT-MCU / ESP-12S-A9-A9G-GPRS-Node-v1.0

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No code showing how to send data to ThingSpeak MQTT server without Wifi #1

Open v-c opened 4 years ago

v-c commented 4 years ago

I saw this repo is linked from here:

However, there is no code example showing how to send data over GPRS to ThingSpeak. Please add the code for this.

IOT-MCU commented 4 years ago

Hi, Update complete.

dawidjar97 commented 4 years ago

Hi, when I try to use "AT+MQTTCONN" I always get "+CME ERROR: 53 ". I tried every examples from this repo and hackaday project and always same issue. Here is example AT command: AT+MQTTCONN="",1883,"12345",120,0 Am I doing something wrong?

vmencin commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem as dawidjar97. My AT command is: AT+MQTTCONN=\"\",1883,\"Channel ID\",120,0,\"UserID\",\"Write API Key\" Tried almost everything with upper line but no success. At+CSQ (Signal Quality) is above 20. I have mobile SIM card.

sadamyne commented 3 years ago

Hi, have you tryied to ping something to check if you are logged to the network?

vmencin commented 3 years ago

How can I ping with ESP-12S-A9-A9G-GPRS-Node-v1.0? Is there a simple example to check if one is connected? I have no problem uploading data to Thingspeak via WiFi but not via GPRS!.

sadamyne commented 3 years ago
