IOT-MCU / ESP-12S-A9-A9G-GPRS-Node-v1.0

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NO TCP Connection / at command execution failed CIPSTART #9

Open kamane opened 4 years ago

kamane commented 4 years ago

After confirming connection with APN , by using AT+CGPADDR=1 i receive my IP adress . and also ping a server works with this command AT+PING="",120,200,1

Then this command alway failed AT+CIPSTART="TCP","","80"

how can i fix this issue ?

this also is not working MQTT : AT+MQTTCONN="",1883,"DHT11",120,1,"ESP12SA9G","BQ64USNQPF4GEPSJ"

here is my firmware version .

A9/A9G V02.02.20190915R Ai_Thinker_Co._Ltd. READY +CTZV:20/06/16,11:32:31,+02

dapadilla5986 commented 3 years ago

@kamane you solved the problem? I have a similar issue

sadamyne commented 3 years ago

Hi, How do you make the connection? Im using: String msg= sendData("AT+CGATT=1",1000,DEBUG); //GPRS ATTACH OR DETACH Serial.println(msg); msg= sendData("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"TM\"",1000,DEBUG); // subs CMNET por pepper ou TM Serial.println(msg); delay(5000); msg= sendData("AT+CGACT=1,1",1000,DEBUG); //command is used to activate ot deactivate the PDP context Serial.println(msg); delay(5000); msg= sendData("AT+PING=\"\",120,200,1",1000,DEBUG); but im not getting any response...

Thanks in advance

kamane commented 3 years ago

@dapadilla5986 yes make sure your power supply is correct .

kamane commented 3 years ago

@sadamyne if your board have an ip assigned then try this AT+HTTPGET="http://xx.xx.xx.xx"

sadamyne commented 3 years ago

Thanks it helped me solve it, i had two problems, one was the baud rate of the A9G serial wasn't set to 9600, the other was that the delay between turning on the A9G and trying to connect to the ISP was too small. I manage to get a message to the mqtt broker im using (

I searched and i couldn't find a manual or list of AT-commands for the A9G, do you have one of those? Is there a command to get the gsm localtization (to use when satelites are not visible to the gps?) Thanks

IOT-MCU commented 3 years ago

[Uploading AT CAMMAND A9G.pdf…]()