Test results using command
pylama -i C0111 -l "pylint,pyflakes" ../../sources/coala-0.9.0 > coala-0.9.0_pylint_pyflakes.txt
Worth noting that the vast majority of detected errors are ignored in Coala own tests, for example, the whole directory "tests".
C0111: Missing %s docstring
Test results using command
pylama -i C0111 -l "pylint,pyflakes" ../../sources/coala-0.9.0 > coala-0.9.0_pylint_pyflakes.txt
Worth noting that the vast majority of detected errors are ignored in Coala own tests, for example, the whole directory "tests". C0111: Missing %s docstring coala-0.9.0_pylint_pyflakes.txt