IPPL-framework / ippl

IPPL is a C++ library to develop performance portable code for fully Eulerian, Lagrangian or hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian methods.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FFT Rework #297

Open manuel5975p opened 1 month ago

manuel5975p commented 1 month ago

The current state of IPPL's FFT has a few problems.


For the CPU case, the default Kokkos::View Layout is LayoutRight, which results in this loop being a transposition, resulting in slow runtime. Heffte's source code states

    //! \brief Constructs a box from the low and high indexes, the span in each direction includes the low and high (uses default order).
    box3d(std::array<index, 3> clow, std::array<index, 3> chigh) :
        low(clow), high(chigh), size(...), order({0, 1, 2})

This corresponds to a Left-Layout (row-major), though this could be changed to have order {2,1,0} for CPU runs. Interestingly, the FFTW docs on Column-Major format (which is LayoutRight in Kokkos) state that a simple reversal of indices would be enough.

Current performance

Comparing the current IPPL FFT to a simple FFTW yields a factor 42 discrepancy in the time required for a R2C transform.

aaadelmann commented 1 month ago

So we would need to do something like:

if on CPU change order to {2,1,0}

manuel5975p commented 1 month ago

Yes, if heffte doesnt have some other restrictions. It would also be nice if the boxes could be picked to exclude ghost cells, but I dont know if that would be possible

aaadelmann commented 1 month ago

I think this needs to be discussed with Sri (when he is back from India) and maybe Veronica