IPRoyal / pawns-cli

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Can't run pawns-cli on Ubuntu 20.04 #4

Open wlqb19811 opened 2 years ago

wlqb19811 commented 2 years ago

root@5098x:~# ls pawns-cli root@5098x:~# apt install pawns-cli Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package pawns-cli What am I missing?

tswestendorp commented 2 years ago

No APT package is available as far as I know

You can get it started as following

Download binary wget https://download.iproyal.com/pawns-cli/latest/linux_x86_64/pawns-cli

Change permissions chmod +x ./pawns-cli

Run (according to readme.md) ./pawns-cli -email=email@example.com -password=change_me -device-name=raspberrypi -accept-tos

wlqb2001 commented 2 years ago

happened_at":"2022-01-17T14:15:32Z","name":"balance_ready","parameters":{"balance":"1.00 USD","traffic":"5.010 GB"

The successful running??

tswestendorp commented 2 years ago

think so 🙂

wlqb19811 commented 2 years ago

How to hang a run in the background?

tswestendorp commented 2 years ago

How to hang a run in the background?

you might want to consider something like supervisor to keep a process alive