IPS-LMU / emuR

The main R package for the EMU Speech Database Management System (EMU-SDMS)
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Why does my serve() command give me the error message: Error parsing wav file: Wav read error: AudioFormat not 0 or 1 but 65534? #229

Closed BlockThatCue closed 4 years ago

BlockThatCue commented 4 years ago

I tried to use emuR and webEmu (in Studio and my default browser is Safari) by creating a db from corpus data that I have on my computer. My small test corpus consists of three wav files and three TextGrids. The wav files have a sample rate of 44,1 kHz, with 16 bits per sample, and one channel (mono). The wav files are 10 minutes each.

I can create a db, and the summary(db_handle) indicates that it has content:

Name: kec-probeer UUID: ee8073d3-b594-4b3e-b773-1a429f8ccf98 Directory: []/kec-probeer_emuDB Session count: 1 Bundle count: 3 Annotation item count: 14276 Label count: 14276 Link count: 0 Database configuration: SSFF track definitions: NULL Level definitions: name type nrOfAttrDefs attrDefNames 1 words SEGMENT 1 words; 2 segments SEGMENT 1 segments; 3 canonIPA SEGMENT 1 canonIPA; 4 morphTag SEGMENT 1 morphTag; Link definitions: NULL

However, the serve(db_handle) results in this error message:

Error parsing wav file: Wav read error: AudioFormat not 0 or 1 but 65534

Why do I get this error message, what does the error message mean, and what do I need to do to solve it? Best


raphywink commented 4 years ago

From here: http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/: AudioFormat: "PCM = 1 (i.e. Linear quantization); Values other than 1 indicate some form of compression." The EMU-webApp only supports uncompressed data chunk formats. You'll prob. have to convert the audio files to remove the compression (e.g. using sox)

BlockThatCue commented 4 years ago

As far as I know these files were created with praat and saved with the normal save as WAV file.. method... Anyway, I saved the files anew, closed R, opened it again, run the script and now it works! Thank you.


raphywink commented 4 years ago

Ok perfect! Glad it worked itself out...