IPS-LMU / emuR

The main R package for the EMU Speech Database Management System (EMU-SDMS)
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importing a collection of json annotation files generated by BAS web services #246

Closed vdca closed 3 years ago

vdca commented 3 years ago

I have run a BAS pipeline on a bunch of files. As a result, I have a directory with many *_annot.json files. I wish to populate an EMU DB with these annotation files. I have used the import_mediaFiles() function to import the wav files. I understand there's also the function add_files(), but it doesn't seem appropriate here, since the annotation files I want to import do not follow the standard basename+extension format.

I'm probably missing something here, since the output annotation of the BAS web service should be easy to import into an existing EMU DB structure. There's also the possibility of running a function like runBASwebservice_*(), but these seem to be less flexible than using custom API calls.

raphywink commented 3 years ago

So just to clarify:

If so could you send me an example of how u are calling the web service?

vdca commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I was not clear enough. The first two points you mention are correct, but the third one is not:

The issue is that the function add_files() expects files with the format basename.extension, and the annotation files I get from the BAS pipeline follow the format basename_annot.json. The additional _annot in the filename prevents the add_files() function from working as expected with this kind of files.

Error in add_files(...) : more or less than one bundle found that matches the base name of the file.