IPS-LMU / emuR

The main R package for the EMU Speech Database Management System (EMU-SDMS)
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write_bundleList missing a DBconfig defintion to work? (at all) #248

Closed FredrikKarlssonSpeech closed 3 years ago

FredrikKarlssonSpeech commented 3 years ago

In 2.2.0

> library("emuR")

Attaching package: ‘emuR’

The following object is masked from ‘package:data.table’:


The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:


> create_emuRdemoData()
> load_emuDB(file.path(tempdir(), "emuR_demoData","ae_emuDB"))  -> ae
INFO: Loading EMU database from /var/folders/vc/lhvg_40x50l3nb3rndb4kwbm0000gp/T//RtmpbI0Ltz/emuR_demoData/ae_emuDB... (7 bundles found)
  |======================================================================| 100%
> bund <- list_bundles(ae)
> write_bundleList(ae,"FK",bundle=bund, updateDBconfig = TRUE)
[1] "INFO: No bundleList dir found in emuDB (path: /private/var/folders/vc/lhvg_40x50l3nb3rndb4kwbm0000gp/T/RtmpbI0Ltz/emuR_demoData/ae_emuDB/bundleLists)! Creating directory..."
Error in write_bundleList(ae, "FK", bundle = bund, updateDBconfig = TRUE) : 
  object 'DBconfig' not found
> write_bundleList(ae,"FK",bundle=bund, updateDBconfig = FALSE)
Error in write_bundleList(ae, "FK", bundle = bund, updateDBconfig = FALSE) : 
  object 'DBconfig' not found
raphywink commented 3 years ago

No idea how that happended! Is now fixed...