IPWright83 / VSFileNav

Visual Studio extension for rapid finding of files within a solution
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Culture based string searching #12

Closed IPWright83 closed 7 years ago

IPWright83 commented 7 years ago

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Hello, very nice extension. I have one issue though: When I type "ac" to search for a file named ActivityFactory.cs, the dialog simply closes the instant I type the "c". This only happens in a certain solution (with around 20 projects, thousands of files). In another solution, where the ActivityFactory.cs file is also present, it works fine. Is there any way to debug this?

Hi IPWright83, I found that bug AlexanderMDk mentioned.
It's in the StringMatch.cs file and public StringMatch(String fullString, String matchString) function.
Here you have this code:

int startIndex = fullString.ToLower().IndexOf(matchString.ToLower());
this.Parts.Add(new StringPart(fullString.Substring(startIndex, length), true));

And its probably bug int the C# IndexOf(string) implementation.
Because for:
string fullString = "CharSets.hxx";
string matchString = "c";
int startIndex = fullString.ToLower().IndexOf(matchString.ToLower());

returns -1 in Visual Studio 2015. When I changed string matchString to CHAR matchString then it returned 0 as it should.

ok, sorry for spam and previous useless post, but I found the reason.
IndexOf is CULTURE sensitive so here in Czech Republic we have c, h and ch letters = CharSets.hxx string looks like "Ch|a|r|S|e|t|s|.|h|x|x".

I dont know the best solution for fixing this, but this works for me:
int startIndex = fullString.ToLower().IndexOf(matchString.ToLower(), StringComparison.Ordinal);
or less verbose
int startIndex = fullString.IndexOf(matchString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Thanks for the fix CdTC, glad I'm not the only one. I tried making the edit in the source code, but I don't know how to build and "deploy" the extension. If I go to the output directory and double-click the VSNav.vsix file, it spins for a few seconds, then complains the extension is not signed (even though it is using the Key.snk file included in the project). Can the author do us a big favour and update the code with the change CdTC suggested? Thanks