IQSS / Amelia

Amelia: A Package for Missing Data
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Label spacing in missmap #14

Closed mattblackwell closed 4 years ago

mattblackwell commented 6 years ago

Add more options for spacing in the missmap() functions. Ideas include adding spacing or allowing rotation. Especially needed for x-axis.

mattblackwell commented 6 years ago

The las arguments to axis() in missmap() causes the labels to be printed overlapping. Not sure if there is a way to recover the "hiding" of labels.

mattblackwell commented 4 years ago

In version 4.0.0 of R, axis gets a gap.axis argument that allows us to control the hiding of overlapping labels through a new argument gap.xaxis. It's ignored for R versions less than 4.0.0. We also added a x.las argument that allows for rotation of the x-axis labels.