IQSS / Amelia

Amelia: A Package for Missing Data
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Plot only overimpute (without compare) #23

Open FransAndersen opened 3 years ago

FransAndersen commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to plot overimpute in an own plot: plot(amelia_result, var_names, overimpute=TRUE, compare=FALSE)

However your function set.mfrow is forcing mfrow to c(2,1) when overimpute=TRUE I would propose to extend the if statement to check if both compare and overimpute is TRUE, before forcing mfrow to c(2,1)

set.mfrow <- function(nvars = 1, overimpute = FALSE) {

  if (compare && overimpute) {
    ## If we are overimputing as well, we need
    ## two plots per variable
    mfrow <- switch(min(nvars, 13),
                    c(2,1), ## 2  plot : 1x2
                    c(2,2), ## 4  plots: 2x2
                    c(3,2), ## 6  plots: 3x2
                    c(4,2), ## 8  plots: 4x2
                    c(3,2), ## 10 plots: 3x2
                    c(3,2), ## 12 plots: 3x2
                    c(4,2), ## 14 plots: 4x2
                    c(4,2), ## 16 plots: 4x2
                    c(4,2), ## 18 plots: 4x2
                    c(3,2), ## 20 plots: 3x2
                    c(3,2), ## 22 plots: 3x2
                    c(3,2), ## 24 plots: 3x2
                    c(4,2)) ## 26 plots: 4x2
  } else {
    mfrow <- switch(min(nvars, 13),
                    c(1,1), ## 1  plot : 1x1
                    c(2,1), ## 2  plots: 2x1
                    c(2,2), ## 3  plots: 2x2
                    c(2,2), ## 4  plots: 2x2
                    c(3,2), ## 5  plots: 3x2
                    c(3,2), ## 6  plots: 3x2
                    c(3,3), ## 7  plots: 3x3
                    c(3,3), ## 8  plots: 3x3
                    c(3,3), ## 9  plots: 3x3
                    c(3,2), ## 10 plots: 3x2
                    c(3,2), ## 11 plots: 3x2
                    c(3,2), ## 12 plots: 3x2
                    c(3,3)) ## 13 plots: 3x3


The current result (small in height); image