IQSS / Amelia

Amelia: A Package for Missing Data
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AmeliaView - Wrong implementation of splinetime parameter #29

Open LutzDE opened 2 years ago

LutzDE commented 2 years ago

Bug based on AmeliaView 1.8:

In AmeliaView it is possible to choose the splinetime= Parameter as "Splines" with knots from zero to ten.

Amelia is called with the parameter values from 0 to 10. But these parameters are used in a different definition (as seen below). Short: The number of knots is limited to three and has to be translated into the values 4,5 and 6. On the other hand, if you want a polynominal of time the values 1,2 and 3 are possible values.

Source: help function to amelia()

interger value of 0 or greater to control cubic smoothing splines of time. Values between 0 and 3 create a simple polynomial of time (identical to the polytime argument). Values k greater than 3 create a spline with an additional k-3 knotpoints."

How to test/check:

Just use the entry 10 knots, which leads to an error. Read the debug-log-file for amelia() call.


Menue_SplineTime error

Normaly a simple typo is no problem, but in this case it's different. Using AmeliaView() with ts without knowing this bug, leads into wrong documentation of the used functions and modell. Conclusions from such work should be checked and reviewed.