IQSS / Amelia

Amelia: A Package for Missing Data
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Fix error message in collinearity check #4

Closed brentonk closed 8 years ago

brentonk commented 9 years ago

Previously, the error message searched names(x) to retrieve the variable name, which works if x is a data frame but not if it is a matrix. colnames(x) works in both settings.

Reproducible example of the bug fixed:

R> mat <- cbind(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, z = c(rnorm(9), NA))
R> mat
       x  y        z
 [1,]  1  1 -1.76707
 [2,]  2  2  1.76927
 [3,]  3  3  0.87793
 [4,]  4  4 -0.34865
 [5,]  5  5  0.61256
 [6,]  6  6 -0.85440
 [7,]  7  7 -0.91579
 [8,]  8  8 -1.13663
 [9,]  9  9  1.03717
[10,] 10 10       NA
R> amelia(mat)
Error in amcheck(x = x, m = m, idvars = numopts$idvars, priors = priors,  : 
  The variable   is perfectly collinear with another variable in the data.
R> amelia(
Error in amcheck(x = x, m = m, idvars = numopts$idvars, priors = priors,  : 
  The variable  y is perfectly collinear with another variable in the data.
mattblackwell commented 8 years ago

Thanks, Brenton. I merged this into the develop branch and should make into the next version of Amelia.