IQSS / Amelia

Amelia: A Package for Missing Data
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R fatal error RAM limit #49

Open joh4nd opened 10 months ago

joh4nd commented 10 months ago

RStudio crashes running Amelia on a 324000 rows x 17 cols dataframe at about 11GiB: "R session aborted. R encountered a fatal error. The session was terminated".

Would be nice with suggestions for (a) how to deal with memory issues or (b) features actually dealing with it. E.g. running on a distributed system or on a local database rather than in memory.

MI <- amelia(x = data,
    m = 1, 
    p2s = 1,
    idvars = c("index","var2"),
    noms = c("var3","var4"),
    ords = "var5",
    ts = "dt",
    cs = "var1",
    empri = 0.05 * nrow(data),
    polytime = 2,
    intercs = TRUE,
    bounds = matrix(c(11,0,1000, 12,0,1000, 13,0,1000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE),
    parallel = 'multicore',
    ncpus = 8,
    collect = TRUE)

Amelia has no problem running on subsets of the data i.e. one of 1-10 datasets indicated by var2.

Debian Bullseye